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Return Civility and Productivity to City Hall: Vote for John Safford

In Saratoga Springs’ tumultuous political climate, John Safford emerges as the best choice for mayor.

Our City Hall has been marred by disorder, disruption, and obscene outbursts. City Council meetings have been a stage for unprofessional childishness, and our so-called leaders have built such a bad work environment that experienced city hall employees have resigned.

Less than a year after the mayor moved Risk and Insurance into his department, the city’s insurance carrier cancelled our policy, putting the city at risk.

The Kim administration wavers in its support of our police at a time of increased drug use and crime when we need to work together to make Saratoga safer. Rather than fighting with the County, John will increase our collaboration with the County government starting with the Sheriff’s office, helping ensure a safer city.

Finally, the escalating homelessness crisis requires working with organizations and Saratoga County to deliver necessary resources to needy individuals. For years, John has proven his commitment to the vulnerable by volunteering with organizations to provide important services to the underserved.

A vote for John Safford is a vote to return civility and productivity to City Hall, putting Saratoga Springs’ residents first before petty feuds.

– Bonnie Sellers, Saratoga Springs