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Revolutionary New Technology For Eye Examinations & Retinal Disease Detection

Optos Mapping

After nearly 30 years at Family Vision Care Center, I am still impressed and wowed by advances in technology that improve patient care.

We are now able to map patients’ retinas and show a 200 degree digital image of the inside of the eye without dilation aiding in the detection and diagnosis of serious eye conditions such as diabetic retinopathy, retinal detachments, macular degeneration and other pathologies like melanomas.

Prior to Optos Mapping the doctor would dilate the patient and take a slow careful look around at the back of the eye, much like peering through the keyhole of a door to see around a room. 

Optos opens the door and the doctor can now examine the image in its entirety and zoom in or out, change colors to enhance views to find hard to see abnormalities and compare the images annually to monitor for subtle signs of disease progression.

The Benefits of an Optomap Eye Exam

Optomap is the only technology that can show up to 200⁰ of the retina which will facilitate early detection of eye health diseases, but it can also help protect you or your loved ones from developing a preventable eye health disease in the first place, since early warning signs can be more easily detected and rectified.

Getting an Optomap image is fast, painless, and comfortable. Nothing touches your eye at any time, making it suitable for your whole family. During the exam, you’ll look into the device one eye at a time and a comfortable flash of light will let you know the image of your retina has been taken.

The capture takes less than half a second, and images are immediately available for review. You’ll be able to see the whole retina – exactly what your eye care provider sees – even in a 3D animation!


We recently added a new glaucoma test which does not “puff” at your eyes and does not require eye drops. Another modern miracle of technology, the device is small, handheld and thereby portable making pressure taking much easier to acquire on very young and elderly patients and as a result is extremely accurate.

Corneal Topographer

As the name implies, this equipment maps each individual cornea (outside surface of the eye) and from those topographical maps we use highly sophisticated software to custom design and make individual contact lenses fit specific to only your eyes. These lenses can be used to treat eye diseases such as keratoconus and assist in myopia control.

These unmatched advancements in technology are revolutionizing eye care for the whole family.

Susan Halstead is a NYS and Nationally Licensed Optician and owner of Family Vision  Care Center for over 25 years. Susan can be reached for comments or questions by texting  or calling 518-584-6111 or via email: Susan@familyvisioncarecenter.com