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Robert Muller: Judge Working For All of Us 

Dear Editor, Supreme Court Judge Bob Muller is someone I have known for many years and I  strongly support his re-election. Although electing judges is something we do in New York,  I find that an awful lot of  people have no clue and don’t really get what’s going on with judicial elections. I believe elections should be held to allow the people to get their say and be the ones in charge. Judge Muller is best for the job and has proven this with many thousands of decisions and orders under his belt.  He is seldom reversed by the appellate courts and rarely gets appealed to begin with. Judge Muller is someone you can trust with having the final say in the courtroom. If you are in Judge Muller’s court you can be certain he will be fair and that his decisions will be respectful to you and the law – without consideration of who you are, who your friends are, and whatever your politics may be. Re-electing Judge Muller has nothing to do with politics and it shouldn’t. Let’s re-elect Judge Muller on November 8th and keep a hardworking judge working for all of us. Thank you,

-Town of Wilton Supervisor John Lant