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Saratoga Camp Abilities Goes Virtual

SARATOGA SPRINGS – For the first time ever a camp dedicated to visually and hearing impaired children has gone virtual for the 2020 camp season. 

Camp Abilities Saratoga is a one week educational sports camp sponsored by the Saratoga Lions Club. The camp is typically held on the campus of Skidmore College but this year, the 18 campers will participate in sporting and camp activities online. 

Camp Director Tiffany Suppes discovered they would not be able to host the camp in-person this year at the end of April. Rather than cancelling for the year, Suppes and her staff created a new online camp schedule.

“Instead of not having a camp opportunity at all for our campers we decided that were going to offer a virtual experience for them. I’m excited but it will be a little different,” Suppes said. 

The camp will be held from Aug. 9 to 14 and Suppes said they incorporated almost all camp activities and brought them online. For example, the campers and staff will go “live” online three times a day, allowing campers to socialize just as they would at camp.

“We will all have a chance to talk together. A lot of our campers have been coming here for years and they’ve made a lot of friends that have visual impairments as well. That’s not always the case in school for them. A lot of times they’re the only child in a school district that may have a visually impairment so it’s nice that they made these connections and friends with each other. It lets them be kids,” Suppes said. 

Sporting activities will focus on the individual this year as campers will partake in yoga, strength training and pound fitness. Team building and group work will still be incorporated into camp. Campers will still be able to participate in their yearly dance party, talent show and even work together virtually to solve an escape room. 

“While we focus on individual sporting events in the morning, at night we are not only doing sports but also recreational team building exercises. We tried to keep some of the core things that we love to do at camp, but just added some new things to keep them engaged and active and social,” Supper said. 

Campers get to keep any equipment they were sent home with for the 2020 camp season. Those who do not have access to the internet could also rent an IPad.

Camp Abilities started in 2014 after gaining inspiration from the Camp Abilities in Brockport, NY. Suppes attended SUNY Brockport and became a graduate assistant at their camp. When Saratoga Lions wanted to start a camp, their hired Suppes as their camp director. 

The primary objective of Camp Abilities Saratoga is to empower visually and hearing impaired children and teens to be physically active by way of a series of sports activities that have been professionally adapted to their abilities. Another objective of the camp is to provide “real life” hands-on experience for undergraduate and graduate students pursuing the field of physical education, as well as active
teaching professionals from the field of adaptive sports. 

Camp Abilities can be reached by calling 518-290-7050 or email info@campabilitiessaratoga.org. Their website can be access atcampabilitiessaratoga.org or Facebook at www.facebook.com/CampAbilitiesSaratoga/.