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Saratoga Center for the Family Annual Golf Classic

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Due to the COVID-19 crisis and the current need to maintain social distancing, the date of our 2020 Annual Golf Classic changed to September 23, 2020.

If you wish to hold your spot, register a foursome, provide a sponsorship, or make a general donation visit the Center for the Family online.

For those who wish to wait, we understand.  Our country is facing an unprecedented time with much fear and anxiety felt by many – especially our clients, both current and new. That is why Saratoga Center for the Family remains open. Our therapists continue to be available by providing telehealth therapy appointments. Our Child Advocacy Center is open for reported child abuse cases.  Our educational programming continues to be offered online. 

We look forward to the day when we can once again see our supporters and friends at dinners, food and wine tastings, and out on the golf course.  Until then, we continue to forge ahead, ensuring that our critical services are available and accessible for those who need us.