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Saratoga County Alliance to End Homelessness: Lived Experience

Homelessness comes in many forms and affects individuals from all walks of life.  A housing crisis can happen to anyone at any time, but in certain circumstances it is much more difficult for an individual to overcome and handle.  Individuals living with developmental disabilities are a vulnerable population that are very susceptible to a housing crisis and becoming homeless without the right supports and interventions tailored to their needs when a crisis arises.  Raising awareness of the challenges and having the right resource available is critical to ensuring everyone is cared for and supported in our community.  The following is an example highlighting the housing challenges faced by individuals living with a developmental disability and the great work of agencies dedicated to serving them.

My name is Derek (not real name).  I have ADHD and mild Intellectual developmental Disability.  My Mom drank before I was born so I also have fetal alcohol syndrome.  I am 27 years old and have struggled to live in homes run by the State that are meant to supervise me.  Because I don’t have to stay, I often leave my residence when things don’t go my way.  I know I need some help but like to make my own decisions, especially about my money and my relationships.

I can work and love doing landscaping jobs.  I do have a driver’s license, but it is suspended. I have been in trouble with law enforcement and sometimes have issues with relationship boundaries.  This makes it tough to live with other people; so I often prefer to be on the streets, where I can feel no one is telling me what to do.  Without any support, however, I can sometimes make bad choices.  Recently I lost all my spending money when someone took advantage of me on the street. 

I am sometimes afraid to be homeless but want to be on my own.  I worry about the upcoming winter if I can’t afford my own place or can’t stay because I don’t follow the rules.  Being out on the street is hard but sometime better than being controlled.  I want to trust people but have been hurt in the past.  

Derek is one of so many people supported by and working with AIM Services, located and operating in Saratoga County.  Formed 1979, AIM Services, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization providing residential and community-based supports to people with developmental and intellectual disabilities, including those with traumatic brain injuries and those who are looking for nursing home transition or diversion.  AIM Services, Inc. is dedicated to supporting the “power of potential” in people of diverse abilities and helps raise awareness of the housing needs and issues faced by persons living with a developmental disability. 

AIM Services, Inc. is an active and committed partner of the Saratoga County Alliance to End Homelessness and they works collaboratively with over 18 other agencies and organizations committed preventing and ending homelessness.  The work and mission of AIM Inc., supports of all of the hard-working groups coordinating housing and support services for some of the most vulnerable in our community like Derek.

Today, Derek is living independently with support from AIM; he still struggles to hold down a job but has been employed continuously for several months now.  The job, along with counseling and housing assistance, have allowed Derek to find an apartment.  These developments have Derek hoping to avoid homelessness in the future, which right now looks very bright.