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Saratoga Jewish Community Arts: “Little White Lie” Film Discussion on Sept. 26

SARATOGA SPRINGS —Saratoga Jewish Community Arts kicks off its Fall 2021 season with discussion of the documentary film, Little White Lie, by filmmaker Lacey Schwartz Delgado who tells her personal, provocative story while raising questions of identity, family, race, and the mistakes of our parents. 

Lacey Schwartz Delgado grew up in a typical upper middle class Jewish family in Woodstock, NY, with loving parents and a strong sense of her identity, despite the open questions from those around her about how a white girl could have such dark skin. She believed her family’s explanation that her looks were inherited from her dark-skinned Sicilian grandfather. However, something in her gut made her unsettled.

At age 18, she finally confronted her mother and learned the truth. Her biological father was not the man who raised her, but a black man, known to her and her family over the years, with whom her mother had an affair. Lacey doesn’t acknowledge her newly discovered black identity with her white family. When she entered college and its social scene, the looks she received from her new African American friends led her to rethink how she had viewed herself. It took more than another decade to begin to reconcile the hidden pieces of her life.

The Zoom panel discussion of Little White Lie will take place 7 p.m. Sept. 26. Little White Lie is available for viewing on YouTube and Amazon Prime. Registration is required and is available by emailing sjca.sjcf@gmail.com. For more information: www.saratogajewishculturalfestival.org and Facebook. The SJCA series is made possible by a grant from the Jewish Federation of Northeastern NY and sponsorship by Temple Sinai of Saratoga Springs.