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Saratoga Polo Season Cancelled

A Statement From the Owners

Dear Friends of Saratoga Polo:

It has been our privilege to host and present Saratoga Polo for the past 15 years and 16 seasons.

Throughout this time, we have enjoyed great support from our community – from our national, regional and local sponsors, our audience and fans, the leadership of the Town of Greenfield and City of Saratoga Springs and the many players and participants in the sport of polo who contributed to maintaining the tradition of Saratoga Polo at Whitney Field.  You all helped to keep the legend of Saratoga Polo alive.

That is why it is with great sadness that we have to confront the fact that our future is uncertain and we are not in a position to present the 2020 Polo season.

We are truly humbled and grateful to all who have shared this journey with us and want to express our deepest appreciation to all who have shown us great kindness and generosity.

We have no further comments at this time as we are reviewing our options but will communicate more with you should our situation change.

All the best,
Michael Bucci and Jim Rossi