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Saratoga Springs City School District Budget Vote and Board of Election Results

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Residents of the school district approved the proposed $134,623,813 school budget for the 2021-2022 school year by a vote of 3,318 to 1,152. 

The budget is balanced through a combination of state aid, property taxes, and fund balance, and included a tax levy change of 2.25%. It is in line with the District’s Pathway Vision and enhances academic programs and services such as the addition of an English as a New Language teacher, resources for ELA curriculum renewal, expansion of the extended school year program, a 1:1 device for incoming ninth graders, and a tech support position. 

Also passed by a vote of 3,449 to 1,017 was Proposition 2, the bus bond proposition to spend an estimated $1,165,000 on six 66-passenger buses, three 30-passenger buses, 2 24-passenger buses, and one service vehicle. State aid will reimburse the district for approximately 40%. 

District residents also voted to elect three candidates to the Board of Education for three-year terms. Connie Woytowich received 2,851 votes. John Ellis received 2,344 votes. Amanda Ellithorpe received 2,251 votes. Casey Putnam received 2,232 votes. Christina Kraszewski received 2,208 votes. 

*Please note that the budget vote and Board of Education election results were unofficial at the time this was written. They were reviewed and verified at the Board of Education meeting on May 19.