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Saratoga Springs Lions Club Awards $30,000 in Scholarships 

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SARATOGA SPRINGS — Six scholarships totaling $30,000 will be awarded to six graduating Saratoga Springs High School seniors by the Saratoga Springs Lions Club.

The $10,000 Jack Berkowitz Memorial Scholarship will go to Gregory Duke McCauley of Saratoga Springs. Gregory was selected for the highest award based on his academic achievements as well as his commitment to community service. He will study engineering at Clarkson University.

Kristen Eyer of Gansevoort and Catherine Kelly of Saratoga Springs will each receive a $5,000 academic scholarship. Eyer will study biochemistry with the goal of becoming an ophthalmologist. Kelly will study marketing and sports management.

Victor Santabar of Greenfield Center will receive the $5,000 Continuing Technical Education Scholarship. A senior at Saratoga Springs High School and BOCES, where he studied small animal science, he will major in zoology with the goal of becoming a zoologist/wildlife biologist.

Ciara Meyer of Saratoga Springs will receive a $2,500 academic scholarship. She will major in English with the goal of a career in law or journalism.

The $2,500 Leos Scholarship will be given to Isabelle Savage of Wilton, an active participant in numerous community service projects and a member of the Saratoga Springs Leos Club, the high school branch of the Saratoga Springs Lions Club. She will study nanoscale engineering.

Formal presentation of the scholarships took place at the June 22 luncheon of the Saratoga Springs Lions Club at Mama Mia’s Restaurant, Saratoga Springs.