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Saratoga Springs, The JEWEL of New York State

I’m failing to see the financial savings, government improvement nor equal or improved accountability offered by the proposed new Charter. 

I think any reasonable guestimate would conclude that there will be at least a $200,000 increase in the cost of government. 

Saratoga Springs, THE JEWEL of New York State, has the second lowest city property tax rate. How much better will a City manager make it? Why is there no New York State city with a City Manager form of government that is a better place to live, with lower taxes?

We have the most accountable city government in the state. You get to vote for all the commissioners and the Mayor. If you don’t like the way a department is operating select a new commissioner in the next election, within two years. 

With the proposed new charter you get to vote for a largely ceremonial mayor and one ward representative. How do you change anything?

When our country is more divisive than I have ever seen it, the ward system will pit one area of Saratoga Springs against another instead of working together. 

I see nothing in this proposed charter change that makes any sense. 

– Ben Mirling, Former Commissioner of Accounts, Saratoga Springs