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Saratoga Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

I remember the evening vividly.

I was standing outside on Broadway on a cold November night having just finished dinner with a group of friends. One of my friends introduced me to Arthur Gonick who was writing for Saratoga Today newspaper and had a social scene weekly feature. Arthur asked what I did for a living and was intrigued that I was a psychotherapist. I told him I had always wanted to write a column for a newspaper based on the techniques and interventions I used in my practice.  This was my beginning with Saratoga Publishing. My first article was in December of 2008 and as they say, the rest is HERSTORY. 

Coming up with monthly content for the Families Today section was so often based on personal experiences of loss, heartbreak, and dysfunctional relationships sprinkled with insight and humor.

Writing became my own personal therapist and way to heal my own struggles and challenges. Often times when writing an article I would realize I wrote the solution to a problem I was having in my own life with a difficult relationship or work situation. Looking back, I realize my Families Today Column has been my trusted advisor and loyal therapist in my own life.

Writing has always been a way for me to release and express everything I want to say or wish I had said to my younger self or the version of myself that struggled with feeling worthy and self-confident. I look back on my 13 years with this column and see how I grew with every article written.

My favorite days were the ones where an unexpected email would pop into my inbox thanking me for writing something that helped unlock insight and freedom from a toxic relationship or environment. One unforgettable evening was when someone walked by me in a restaurant and yelled, “GPS! I now follow my own inner GPS and it never steers me wrong, Thank you!”

Working on this team and writing this column has been an incredibly fulfilling journey and one that has been life changing and affirming.

As I tell all of you, following our intuition (aka internal GPS) is essential to honoring our peace of mind in every-day life.  The season of life I am currently in with my own practice, family and almost five year old is one that keeps every minute of time accounted for. 

For me to make the space to write from a place of inspiration and creativity I have to have time to let ideas flow and inspiration guide. Post Covid I find myself working hard to carve out space for the people and things I love. I am trying to take as much off of my plate as possible to make more space for NOTHING! I know that this space will help refresh my ability to creatively express myself through writing and other mediums.

To my readers, THANK YOU. You have inspired me every single month to dig deep and listen to what people are starving for- acceptance, insight and freedom from dysfunctional patterns. I will never stop the journey of wanting to know more and share more. THANK YOU for helping me see my worth.

To my Saratoga Publishing Team, Chad Beatty, Chris Bushee, Arthur Gonick and Robin Mitchell.  Thank you for giving me a chance, the freedom to write about anything and everything and never- ending patience when missing deadlines.  I have loved being a part of this incredible team and community.

To my husband and family, thank you for letting me write about our lives, our relationships and for listening with enthusiasm every month to my new article as if it were my first.

While this is the end to my monthly column I know that I will continue to find ways to do what I love best, helping people be the best version of themselves and healing from the inside out.

WE are worth it!

For more information email meghanfritzlcsw@gmail.com or visit www.fritzstanger.com