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Wednesday, 03 July 2019 00:00 Written by John Reardon

Hello my Foodie Friends!

This weekend continues the celebration of the Fourth of July and will include attending fireworks, parades, barbeques, carnivals, picnics, baseball games, and family gatherings.  The Fourth of July is more than just a celebration of summertime — it’s a time to celebrate our freedom and how far we have come. 

Among my favorite Independence Day to do’s is to watch the fireworks by the water (ocean or lake) while eating homemade apple pie. Apple pie seems synonymous with picnics and celebrating our country. So, how did apple pie become “American”? The primary origins of “as American as apple pie” are difficult to pinpoint, but it was used as early as 1928 to describe the home-making abilities of Lou Henry Hoover (President Herbert Hoover’s wife). It wasn’t until the 1940s, when the United States entered World War II, that “as American as apple pie” truly took off. When journalists at the time asked soldiers why they were willing to fight in the war, the typical response was “for mom and apple pie.” 

Having the right tools to bake a pie is important. Virtually all pie-making equipment will prove useful for other baking chores as well, so each piece will be sure to earn its keep. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to level up, these are the pie-making essentials It is difficult to make a great pie without a great pie plate. Pie plates come in a variety of styles, and the differences aren’t just aesthetic—a pie plate’s material, thickness, and color all affect the final product.

A pastry brush is the easiest way to apply a thin, even egg wash over pies with a double crust, like a classic apple pie. Choose between the natural (or thin nylon) bristles or the thicker silicone style.

After you’ve rolled out pie dough, a sturdy bench scraper will make quick work of any mess. It will scrape up all the flour and stubborn dough scraps left behind, helping you clean up in a few easy swipes. Plus, it’s handy for dividing blocks of dough without scratching the counters.

If you’ve always felt anxious about rolling out pie dough, it’s worth playing the field to find a rolling pin that makes you feel confident in the kitchen. While choosing the best rolling pin is a highly personal process, I love the simplicity of a French pin, which is lighter and more maneuverable 

Here is a recipe for the American dessert that bursts with apple flavor from two different varieties of the fruit, and a sweet, nutty crunch from the streusel topping. This is so yummy. Perhaps, even put a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top! Stop by Compliments to the Chef, your Neighborhood Kitchen and Cutlery store located at 33 Railroad Place. Pick up the cool tools for cooks to help you with your American festivity recipes. Remember my Foodie Friends; “Life Happens in the Kitchen.” 

 Take Care,
John & Paula




Read 605 times Last modified on Wednesday, 03 July 2019 13:26

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