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Thursday, 04 October 2018 12:35 Written by John Reardon

Hello my Foodie Friends!

School has been in session now for a month. New routines such as school lunches, weeknight dinners, and afternoon snack attacks can put your kitchen into a state of chaos. When my children were younger and in primary school, they insisted that they bring their lunch. With mine and Paula’s hectic corporate jobs, the night before included the additional job of determining what our children wanted us to pack for their lunch.

We have a new really cool item that will help with your prep - Z-WRAPS. Z wraps are natural, sustainable and practical. They are an all natural, reusable modern way to protect your food and the environment. Aren’t we all tired of constantly throwing away plastic bags? With cotton fabrics in signature designs, these sustainable wraps are handcrafted in beeswax, organic jojoba oil and tree resin in Z-Wrap’s workshop in Western Massachusetts USA!!!

Z-wraps are not just for sandwiches. There are many different uses for them.  Z-Wraps bring simple sophistication to your home or lunchbox, and a touch of warmth to a gift or dinner party. There are four different sizes:  Small: Perfect for little slices of cheese, cut up veggies, and other tiny nibbles. Medium: This is your sandwich wrap! Fits a block of hard cheese perfectly. Wrap up some leftovers or cover a bowl, it’s that simple. This is a very versatile size. Large: Take a covered dish to a potluck in style! This is for larger pieces of freezing food. Extra Large: Super-sized wrap for your biggest food items. Great for a baguette or loaf of bread; cover large bakeware pieces or wrap big, green, leafy veggies. 

Here are some fun facts about Z-Wraps:

Wrap your Z Wrap around food or over a dish. And let the warmth of your hands do all the work. The Z Wrap cools quickly and will hold its seal or stick to a bowl. It’s best to use a Z Wrap that’s bigger than the item you’re wrapping. While a small one should be sufficient for a sandwich or a small amount of fresh herbs, a large bowl will work best with a wrap that falls at least half way down from the top.  If it’s sticky, that’s a good sign! It means your Z Wrap is ready to do its job – seal around your food. They are designed that way so they can wrap tightly around food or a dish, with the warmth of your hands. 

Use your Z Wrap to wrap hard cheeses, fruit, vegetables, bread, fresh herbs, and baked goods. You can also use it to cover leftovers in bowls and baking dishes. We do not recommend using your Z Wrap to wrap raw meat or eggs.Your Z Wraps should last up to one year, depending on how much you use them and how well you care for them. Make sure they do not come into contact with hot water or hot surfaces or the wax will melt and they won’t last as long. We like to roll up our Z Wraps and store them in a basket. You can also store them flat, inside a kitchen drawer or on a shelf. We recommend keeping them in a cool place. 

Z Wraps are handcrafted with 100 percent cotton fabrics in signature designs, as well as beeswax, organic jojoba oil, and tree resin. Beeswax is a natural wax made by a certain type of honey bees. It has antifungal and antibacterial properties that help keep your food fresh and clean. Beeswax is both waterproof and breathable, so it protects your food from getting wet at the same time as keeping in moisture. In short, it helps keep your food fresher for longer. Like beeswax, jojoba oil is antimicrobial. Tree resin helps your Z Wrap stick to itself and to other vessels.

Stop by Compliments to the Chef located at 33 Railroad place and catch some “Z’s” as in “Wraps” to help you wrap it up in your kitchen. We also have a great assortment of cool tools for cooks to assist you with your culinary needs. Remember my Foodie Friends; “Life Happens in the Kitchen” with your family!! 

 Take Care,
John & Paula


Lunchbox Pizza


Read 603 times Last modified on Thursday, 04 October 2018 12:37

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