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Silos Discourage Coordination

My name is Ronald Kim. I was Saratoga Springs Commissioner of Public Safety for four years. While it was privilege to serve this City, what I witnessed dismayed me. 

The central problem with the Commission form of government is that Departments under their elected Commissioner work in silos. Silos discourage coordination. Silos encourage wasteful spending. Silos prevent real representation. 

The silo problem stares us in the face today. Amid pandemic caused fiscal stress, the City Council silos have done nothing to stop lavish spending on a Commissioner’s offices not covered by storm related insurance.Just the new furniture, delivered in April 2020, cost $57,000!The silo walls between Commissioners prevented any true checks and balances of this wasteful spending while revenues shrunk.   

This November we can put this behind us. The new City Charter will be more accountable, transparent and will give citizens real representation. The Mayor will be a policy leader, while a six-member City Council composed of citizens, elected from the neighborhoods will represent you. You will not have to hire an attorney to be heard in City Hall, you can just go down the street to your neighbor and tell them what is on your mind. A City Manager will coordinate all the departments. No more silos.There will be a City Auditor to watch the books—we could have used that as offices got renovated at the expense of our children’s recreational programs.    

Please vote YES on Charter Reform for a future of accountability, transparency and representation.

– Ronald Kim