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Ski Resorts Given OK to Open

NEW YORK STATE ­—Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced that ski resorts across the state can reopen under state-issued health and safety protocols starting Friday, November 6. 

The following precautions have been put in place. 

• Indoor capacity must not exceed 50 percent.
• Outdoor capacity on the mountain must be reduced by 25% during “peak” days or if multiple trails are closed due to unseasonable conditions.
• Gondola and lift riders must be members of the same party.
• Ski lessons are limited to no more than 10 people.

In addition, thorough cleaning of shared equipment, shuttles, food, beverage and retail services is required. Masks must be worn except when eating, drinking or skiing, and social distancing maintained. 

The announcement conforms to New York State’s new “micro-cluster” strategy to tackle COVID-19 hot spots that may come with the Fall and Winter weather. Tracking cases based on address, the State will implement strict rules and restrictions directly targeted to areas with the highest concentration of COVID cases, known as red zones, and put in place less severe restrictions in surrounding communities, known as orange and yellow zones.

“One of the lessons we learned in New York is to look ahead and stay ahead. It’s not checkers; we’re playing chess with this virus. In the fall you’re going to see an increased viral transmission rate — that’s just a fact,” Governor Cuomo said.