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SSPF Director Samantha Bosshart Designated an Observer to Advisory Council on Historic Preservation

Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation Executive Director Samantha Bosshart. Photo provided. 

Saratoga Springs —The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) Chair Sara Bronin Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation Executive Director Samantha Bosshart was designated to be a new Observer to the ACHP for a two-year term.

The ACHP promotes the preservation, enhancement, and sustainable use of the nation’s diverse historic resources, and advises the President and Congress on national historic preservation policy. It is an independent federal agency comprised of 24 statutorily designated members from federal agencies, preservation organizations, Indian tribes, and expert private citizens.

Observers provide advice on topics under consideration by the members, represent organizations, constituencies, or views not already represented on the ACHP. Over the years, Observers have contributed important insights that inform the work of the ACHP.

“I am honored to have the opportunity to serve as an Observer to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation on the behalf of the National Preservation Partners Network,” Bosshart said, in a statement. “NPPN is a growing network that represents preservationists across the nation and is eager to support the ACHP’s efforts to promote the preservation, enhancement, and sustainable use of our nation’s historic resources.”