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Strand Theatre Sets for Screen Excitement, Celebs In Hudson Falls on July 20

HUDSON FALLS — Hudson Falls, New York, is about to receive major recognition through a new television series created and produced by credentialed “independent” TV/movie producer Elias Plagianos of Clarkstown.  A “sneak preview” will be screened of the first episode on this new comedy/drama/mystery series at Hudson Falls’ landmark Strand Theatre, at 210 Main St., at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 20.

“Hudson Falls” stars a number of celebrity actors and actresses, who are planning to celebrate the development of this series at the Strand Theatre special event, which will begin with a wine & cheese reception. 

“’Hudson Falls’ was the first pilot production shot during Covid.  The cast and crew members faced a variety of challenges and issues as they cooperated with the Screen Actors Guild developing breakthrough standards to keep everyone safe,” said Tara Westwood, one of the stars and a co-producer. “At the Strand Theatre panel, I am sure the actors and Elias Plagianos will be forthcoming about what these concerns were—which had a traumatic impact on tens of thousands of people who earn their livelihoods in this sector for the past 18 months.”

Plagianos said in a statement that she is looking forward to sharing stories about how instead of being overwhelmed by the obstacles of working safely on set during Covid with no crew, being socially distanced, and communicating through face masks — it was treated it as an opportunity to use the confines as an evolving experiment.

 “Hudson Falls” is a winner of the New York International Screenplay Awards, and has been named an Official Selection of the prestigious LA Shorts International Film Festival. “Hudson Falls” will be seen on Amazon Prime.

For reservations, contact 518-832-3484, or: mystrandtheatre.org. Tickets are $25 per person.