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Stronger Together: Help Support Local Service Employees

Hundreds of local service employees are out of a job or have had their incomes drastically reduced due to the Coronavirus. And even worse, small company employers may never open again.

For those workers, unemployment insurance and possible federal subsidies will not cover their short term and future costs.

An example is Larry Jenks who operates a barber shop on Washington Street. While his overhead costs continue, he has seen a fifty percent decrease in his customers. Larry has followed all government rules on physical safety but has a fear he will not survive as a local business. 

Most Saratogians would like to help these service employers. So, if you can afford it, here are some simple suggestions: shop at locally owned stores, tip generously at restaurants, and leave a couple of dollars extra on the counter for the service employee. 

These local employees are your neighbors, youth sport coaches, and volunteers for dozens of community organizations. Let’s assist them through this crisis.