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Sustainable Saratoga’s 6th Annual Recycles Day

Saratoga Lions Club collected glasses and hearing aids. Photo by Scott Bergmann Photography.

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Earlier this month, 379 cars made their way through drop-off stations where local organizations collected donations of items to be redistributed to those in need, and commercial companies accepted tons of materials that will be responsibly recycled. 

“Recycles Day is about keeping items out of landfills and extending their useful life, but the impact is more than environmental,” explained Ann Samuelson, one of the Sustainable Saratoga volunteer event organizers. “It also has a positive effect on the lives of others. Thanks to the participating nonprofit organizations, many items brought to Recycles Day end up in the hands of people who need them.” 

Bikeatoga collected over 30 bicycles that will be refurbished and given out to adults and kids; RISE Housing and Support Services collected 152 pieces of camping gear to help people living with mental health, substance use, and other life challenges to remain safe and healthy in the community; We are Instrumental collected 21 musical instruments which will be used to educate and outfit local band directors with the tools and knowledge necessary to repair them and teach that skill to their students; and, the Saratoga Lions Club received approximately 300 pairs of eyeglasses and sunglasses and 4 pairs of hearing aids, which will be passed on to people who need them.

As in past years, metal, electronics and clothing were popular drop-off stations. Participants dropped off nearly 27,000 pounds of electronics, which will be recycled and kept out of landfills by eLots. American Clothing company received 7,059 pounds of textiles. In keeping with the spirit of giving and reuse, Youth2 happily gave away a reusable bamboo towel to each of the first 100 Recycles Day participants who wanted one. 

It’s never too early to start saving items to recycle next year! To learn where to donate items before then, you can find Sustainable Saratoga’s Recycling and Donating Guidebook at www.sustainablesaratoga.org. To have your organization be considered for inclusion next year, please contact Sustainable Saratoga at info@sustainablesaratoga.org.