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Temple Sinai Community Places A Time Capsule

A community mosaic stepping stone just before being installed as a marker for the site of the capsule on Oct. 2, 2022. Photo by Super Source Media Studios.  

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Members of the Temple Sinai community were joined by religious school students and their families Oct. 2 to seal and place a time capsule on the synagogue grounds on Broadway. 

According to the Hebrew lunar calendar, every 7 years is known as a shmita, or sabbatical year. The cycle of Jewish time points to this year as a shmita year, a year of “release”
and regeneration.

The cycle of shmita invites all to reflect, contemplate, and recharge every seven years, said Sylvia Bloom, the director of education for the Temple Sinai religious school.

“In addition to all the challenges of COVID and this year’s hopeful emergence from its shadow, our Rabbis of 36 years will be retiring in December. It’s a good moment to take stock of who and where we are, and where we’d like to head as a community,” said Bloom. Rabbis Jonathan Rubenstein and Linda Motzkin are retiring this year.

More than one dozen objects that represent something important from the past year, or something individuals wish to release, were prepared for the capsule. The goal is to capture this moment in time.