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Thank You from Operation Adopt-A-Soldier

It’s not often people thank you for taking their money and supplies. Just ask the IRS. But Operation Adopt A Soldier (OAAS) volunteers experienced that gratitude during our recent drive-through donation day at our temporary headquarters in Wilton.

Our all-volunteer, non-profit uses the donations to pack and ship free comfort kits for America’s soldiers serving in areas of conflict.

The always-generous public responded after hearing our August shipment was canceled because of depleted inventory; now we’ll be able to send 150 boxes before the end of the month. Then it’s on to September.

Every person who visited OAAS thanked and encouraged us for helping our soldiers as they donated money (each box carries a $12 postage fee), dropped off supplies and purchased shirts emblazoned with our motto: “Until they all come home.”

One family made a memorial donation in the name of Korean War veteran Robert Ovitt, of Queensbury, who died July 30. The proud paratrooper and Purple Heart recipient was wounded in 1953 in the horrendous battle for the famed Pork Chop Hill. A regular donor from White River Junction, VT, dropped off his traditional car load of supplies. There was the female veteran who gave three bags of supplies and money, then purchased shirts. An elderly woman stopped just long enough to give us a sealed, blank envelope and her thanks. We later discovered it held a sizable donation that dropped some volunteers’ jaws. We can only hope this anonymous donor reads this letter and knows how much we appreciate her concern for our soldiers.

As founder of OAAS and on behalf of all our volunteers, thank you to all who donated on our special day, which marked the one-year anniversary that a fire destroyed our Route 50, Wilton headquarters. 

Our brave troops also thank you.