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Thank You St. Mary’s School

As we approach teacher appreciation week, I’d like to thank the teachers, staff, and our principal, Mrs. Fitzgerald, at St. Mary’s school in Ballston Spa. St. Mary’s provides our children with superior academics, wholesome friendships, and spiritual growth.

On their last field trip of the year, our daughter’s third grade class went on a hike. Their teacher, Mrs. Eddy, led the students and chaperones along a rocky path, which opened to a clearing next to a serene lake. The scene was reminiscent of a modern-day Norman Rockwell painting: The girls chatted and admired the view, while the boys picked up snakeskins and jumped along the rocks. As we unpacked our lunches, one of the students suggested we say a prayer. The students said a Hail Mary followed by prayers for those who had sick family members in need of God’s healing. 

As I observed the scene, I was struck by the beauty of God’s creation, and the students’ genuine belief in prayer and their care for each other. It was an experience I’ll never forget and one that can only happen at St. Mary’s.

I would encourage parents to call St. Mary’s in Ballston Spa to schedule a tour. Our school works with families by offering scholarships and tuition assistance. We don’t want anyone to feel left out. St. Mary’s has blessed our lives and it will bless yours too.

– The VanDeCarr Family, Ballston Lake