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The Alfred Z. Solomon Charitable Trust Brings A Ray of Sunshine to The Church of Saint Peter

SARATOGA SPRINGS — A stained glass window dating to the late 19th century is currently being restored at The Church of Saint Peter on Broadway. 

Craftsmen set about restoring the 1895 east wall window picturing Jesus Presenting Keys to Saint Peter, earlier this week. The repairs are being conducted by Willet Hauser Architectural Glass of Winona Minnesota, a company that has been designing and preserving stained glass for more than 120 years. 

The window preservation is being graciously funded by The Alfred Z. Solomon Charitable Trust. The grant of approximately $16,000 extended by The Alfred Z. Solomon Charitable Trust to The Church of Saint Peter was the catalyst that allowed the Church to conduct the project. 

“Following the completion of the work, a plaque will be dedicated at a community gathering of prayer in gratitude for the tremendous generosity of The Alfred Z. Solomon Charitable Trust, which made the restoration possible,” said Father Tom Chevalier, Pastor of The Church of Saint Peter. 

When the Church was expanded in 1931, the window originally hung on the west side of the Church behind the high altar. At that time Church members created a new sanctuary space and added new altars. They moved the magnificent scene of St. Peter to the east side, where it now sits in the choir loft, in a perfect position where the morning sun can shine through. 

Upon closer examination of the Church window, this Triptych (three panel) piece of art was found to be designed at the Franz Mayer Studio of Munich and gifted by Hon. M. N. Nolan, AD 1895. Nolan, who was mayor of Albany from 1878 to 1883, spent considerable time in Saratoga Springs. “The three panels that make up the window have spaces between them, but they are meant to be viewed as one scene,” said Fr. Chevalier. “We found that there was a protective coating applied to the stained glass many decades ago to protect it from vandalism or ice. When they put the protectant on it, it built up heat between two panes of glass which deteriorated the lead holding the glass together. Now they put tiny vents in the coating to alleviate this issue. Whereas the coating from years ago was opaque, now its transparent, and proper lights on the inside of the window will hopefully allow the stained glass to be visible from Broadway at night.” 

The Church of Saint Peter was originally dedicated as a church in August 1852. Their core mission statement is “The Church of Saint Peter is a welcoming community that celebrates our faith thru liturgy, sacraments, ministry, music and outreach to those in need…” The Church livestreams weekend mass on Saturday evening and the service is archived on the website. Mass is open for two in-person limited capacity services every weekend, and two in-person weekday services, Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 a.m. Parishioners are required to pre-register for these services. For more information, visit: stpetersaratoga.com   

The Alfred Z. Solomon Charitable Trust was established to benefit nonprofit scientific, medical, educational, cultural, religious, and charitable organizations by funding projects and programs in memory of the Trust’s founder, Alfred Z. Solomon. Mr. Solomon, a leader in the fashion industry, a horse racing enthusiast, and a philanthropist in Gansevoort, NY, and New York City, died Sept. 4, 2004, at the age of 104, and founded this Trust in his Last Will and Testament.