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The Next Commissioner of Finance

Hi Saratogians!

I’m Minita Sanghvi’s neighbor and I’m voting for her as the next Commissioner of Finance. 

We met Minita and her wife Megan when they moved onto our street in 2014. Welcoming and friendly, we enjoyed discussing gardening and landscaping, domestic and international politics, and occasionally the stock market. But mostly the conversations revolved around their son and family. 

Like most immigrant citizens I know, Minita is proud of her U.S. citizenship. And as she has noted, it’s not where you’re from that’s important, but it’s where you settle and choose to live. Her commitment to give back to her Saratoga Springs community is evidenced in her high level of engagement in local organizations and politics, including as finance director of our public library board.

As Minita would be the first to say, Saratoga Springs needs to do more and better in the drive to become a carbon neutral city, we need more year-around tourism, we need real focus and effort on bike lanes/paths circling the city center with access particularly from the west side, we need smart and sustainable investment to rebuild the City’s post-pandemic finances, we need to not only build, but also fund the staffing of the East Side fire station/public safety facility. And maybe most importantly, we need City leaders who are committed to open dialogue with all constituents, while implementing a strategy to increase diversity that will foster growth for the forseeable future.

While Minita’s education, experience and skill set make her qualified to execute the duties of the position, it’s her enthusiasm, energy, heart, and commitment that motivated me to write this endorsement of Minita Sanghvi for Commissioner of Finance. Please vote on Nov. 2.

– Bruce Klion