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The Power of Vulnerability

October is the month we celebrate Halloween.We have the opportunity to wear costumes and put on masks and take on the persona of a character.

At the end of the evening we remove the costume, the make up and the clothes we needed to impersonate our favorite movie star, superhero or someone relevant to pop culture. 

For many individuals dressing the part of confidence, success and having it all together in a bow of perfection is a costume that is worn daily.

The mask of perfection becomes the norm and your energy is drained living up to a persona that at the core is feeling unworthy and tired.

Perhaps the key to feeling more present with ourselves and others and creating more joy in every day life lies in the power of vulnerability.

What if instead of seeming like we have it all together we stopped to tell the truth of what we are really feeling?  Scared? Overwhelmed? Tired? Exhausted? Full of rage?  I understand.

All of these feelings are normal experiences for all of us but when you add on the pandemic, current political climate and social injustice that is happening on the daily basis it can feel like you are drowning in quick stand.

You don’t have to be strong; you don’t have to keep it all together and you don’t have to hide.  Tell the truth, even if it’s just out loud in your own voice to yourself, about how you are doing.  Then call someone you trust and love and tell them your truth.  Keep checking in with yourself about the truth of how you are doing.

Don’t hide behind a mask of perfection.  Be vulnerable with yourself and your tribe. 

Side effects include greater peace, joy and overall well-being.


Meghan Fritz is a psychotherapist practicing in State College, PA at Fritz, Stanger & Associates.  For more information email Meghanfritzlcsw@gmail.com