Thomas Dimopoulos

Thomas Dimopoulos

City Beat and Arts & Entertainment Editor
Contact Thomas

SARATOGA SPRINGS — The Saratoga Springs Planning Board will host its next meeting at 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 9 at City Hall. 

Planning Board applications currently under consideration include: 

• Stewarts 177 S Broadway & 28 Lincoln - Initiation of Coordinated SEQRA Review of a proposed redevelopment of existing Stewart’s Shop, demolition of all existing site features and replacement of fuel tanks and canopy, and a new two-story 3,720 sq. ft. Stewart’s Shop.

• 3368 South Broadway Hotel - Expansion Site Plan review for an addition to an existing hotel to incorporate 17 new rooms in the Gateway Commercial - Rural district. The expansion along the southern hall of the building would be a total of 2,942 square feet new footprint, according to documents filed with the city. Three parking spaces will also be added to the site of the project, which is titled Homewood Suites. 

• 500 Union Longfellows Renovations - Site plan review of a proposed redevelopment of the existing Longfellow’s hotel, restaurant and conference center in the Interlaken PUD. 

The project description calls for the demolition of the restaurant portion of the main building, while maintaining the existing hotel rooms on the building’s north side. Addition plans point to the development of a new building to connect to the existing block of hotel rooms and the construction of a connecting bridge. 

In specific numbers, plans call for the number of rooms to increase from 18 in the main building and 32 in the hotel wing, to 54 and 34, respectively, according to the most recently revised plans submitted to the city.      

SARATOGA SPRINGS — A criminal complaint was filed last month asking the Saratoga Springs Police Department to issue a summons to Chandler Hickenbottom, in connection with the disruption of a Feb. 7 City Council meeting. That council meeting was subsequently adjourned early and resumed two days later. 

The request for a criminal summons was made on Feb. 16 by Public Safety Commissioner Jim Montagnino, according to court documents. The charge, a disorderly conduct violation, is specified under the subdivision as disturbing a lawful assembly without lawful authority to do so. Hickenbottom, 26, is scheduled to answer to the charges in City Court on March 7. 

Following reports of the filing, city Mayor Ron Kim released a statement regarding the matter and the apparent filing of a summons against Hickenbottom, a member of Black Lives Matter Saratoga. 

“I regret to hear that the Commissioner of Public Safety has filed a summons against a BLM activist for her disruptive conduct during the Feb. 7, 2023 City Council meeting. This action is counterproductive to a continued dialogue with all members of our community, a waste of city resources and could potentially lead to additional costs to the city and taxpayers,” said Mayor Kim, who along with Public Safety Commissioner Jim Montagnino were two of the five council members present during the Feb. 7 meeting. 

“The BLM activist who interrupted our meeting…acted in an irresponsible manner and I condemn any outbursts by a community member at our public meetings, but I do not believe it was criminal or requires any consideration by the courts,” said Kim, calling on Montagnino to withdraw the summons and adding that the action is “a misguided overreach by the Department of Public Safety… counterproductive and regrettable.” 

Additional statements were later released by three other City Council members. They read, in part:

• Commissioner of Finance Minita Sanghvi: “I am deeply distressed to see that instead of moving towards engagement and dialogue through a community forum, the Commissioner of Public Safety has decided to waste taxpayer dollars by filing a criminal complaint against Chandler Hickenbottom of Saratoga BLM.” 

• Commissioner of Public Works Jason Golub: “I believe there are much better ways to respond to and solve the issues raised by BLM and by the Police Reform Task Force, rather than escalating unproductive rhetoric and taking unnecessary legal actions...BLM and the protests we’ve seen locally and nationally over the past few years give voice to a problem that must be taken seriously, and not dismissed by leaders. I believe the best path forward is a strategic and ongoing dialogue between BLM, members of the council, members of the police force, and other impacted constituencies with concrete outcomes and accountability. Everyone must come to the table and work together in order for us to progress.” 

• Commissioner of Accounts Dillon Moran said he was “deeply disturbed by the unilateral actions taken by the Commissioner of Public Safety,” and urged “collaborative engagement with those seeking answers about our efforts relative to the work of the Police Reform Task Force... the criminalization of speech is simply unacceptable and will further widen the divide that exists within our community.” 

Subsequent to the February meetings, the mayor recommended changes to the twice-a-month council meetings, effective immediately, that will feature an earlier start time and place a time-lengthened public comment period at the end of meetings, rather than at the beginning – where they currently stand.

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Addressing potential solutions to the lengthy and at-times volatile public comment sessions during recent council meetings, the city is looking to change meeting start-times from early evenings to late afternoons. It will also relocate public comment sessions from the traditional meeting-start to meeting-end and extend each speaker’s allotted time limit by adding additional minutes.

“All meetings will now start at 5 p.m.,” city Mayor Ron Kim announced while proposing the changes during the council’s Feb. 21 meeting. “We (will be) starting a little earlier to get to some of the standard business that has to be done by our City Council.”  City Council meetings are typically held on the first and third Tuesday of each month. 

Public Comment periods – both, those targeting specific proposals as well as sessions provided for general commentary – will be moved to the tail end of meetings. The Saratoga County Board of Supervisors similarly stage their public comment periods at the end of their regular meetings. Each speaker will be allotted twice as long to talk as is currently allotted.

“Each person will have four minutes to speak, rather than the current two minutes,” Kim said. “People seem to be very constrained by the two-minute time period. We’re doubling the time and adding a (once-per-month) Community Forum which will allow groups to speak to us in a more open and less constrained manner. We do believe this will enhance our ability to interact with the public.” 

The changes are anticipated to go into effect with the council’s next meeting on March 7. The 5 p.m. commencement stands in contrast to the traditional 7 p.m. start of meetings that back many years and through several administrations. A sampling:   

April 4, 2000 – Mayor Ken Klotz called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Meeting Notes: Commissioner Thomas McTygue informed Council members that two individuals had been apprehended in Congress Park for pouring dye on the Katrina Task stairway. He said these individuals were caught due in great part to the new cameras placed throughout the park.

April 20, 2004 - Mayor Michael Lenz called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and reviewed some of the guidelines for the public comment period: 1 - Speakers must step to the microphone and give their name, address and organization; 2 - Speakers must limit their remarks to two minutes on a given topic; 3 - A total of 15 minutes shall be allotted at the beginning of each Council meeting for the public comment period. If more time is needed, time will be provided to those still wishing to speak at the end of the Council meeting; 4 - All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body, not solely to any member thereof; 5 - Speakers shall observe the commonly accepted rules of courtesy, decorum and good taste. 

March 21, 2006 – Mayor Valerie Keehn called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Agenda: Finance Commissioner Mat McCabe leads discussion on city Bond Rating; Public Safety Commissioner Ron Kim announces the formation of a Pedestrian Safety Committee. 

July 15, 2008 – Mayor Scott Johnson called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Several people spoke during the public hearing regarding the donation of land to the Shelters of Saratoga (SOS) on Walworth Street to enable the Shelters to build a transitional housing to compliment the Shelter already existing there.

Dec. 6, 2016 – Mayor Joanne Yepsen called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Discussion and Vote: Resolution for Humanity, Respect and Inclusiveness; Announcement: Special City Council Meeting on Affordable Housing scheduled to take place Dec. 14. 

Oct. 5, 2021 – Mayor Meg Kelly called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and opened the public comment period at 7:01 p.m. Melanie Trimble of the New York Civil Liberties Union addressed the arrests made of BLM activists in the past weeks and expressed the belief that the protestors were engaged in actions protected by the first amendment. 

Feb. 21, 2023: meeting call to order 7 p.m.  City Mayor Ron Kim lead a discussion regarding changes for future City Council meetings.   

The proposed changes

• Saratoga Springs City Council meetings will now be called to order at 5 p.m. 

• Public Comment Period, normally held at the beginning of meetings and allowing 2 minutes per public speaker, will now be held just prior to conclusion of meeting, allowing 4 minutes per speaker. 

• Proposals up for vote requiring public comment will be re-arranged accordingly, so the public may   voice their opinion prior to a Council vote taking place.

• At least one City Council meeting per month will also include a Community Forum. That forum, anticipated to run 30-to-60-minutes in length, will be an open forum and focus on one specific item, selected by the mayor’s office with public input. Council members and supervisors are invited, but not required, to attend the forums. 

Thursday, 16 February 2023 12:55

Spa City: Under Development

SARATOGA SPRINGS — The city’s three Land Use Boards are a good indicator of plans, designs and proposals that will ultimately define the Saratoga Springs landscape in the near and distant future. 

Upcoming meetings: 

Design Review Board – 6 p.m., March 1. 

“For Outdoor Dining Applications Only” – 6 p.m., March 8.   

Planning Board – Feb. 23. Workshop: March 2, 

Meeting: March 9. 

Zoning Board of Appeals – 6:30 p.m., Feb. 27. 

All meetings at Saratoga Springs City Hall. For more information about meetings and agendas, go to: 

Thursday, 09 February 2023 13:49

Saratoga: Substance Use Surveillance Dashboard

BALLSTON SPA — Saratoga County officials unveiled a new “comprehensive, near real-time substance use surveillance dashboard,” on Feb. 7 that coordinates and reports on substance use related data within Saratoga County. 

Believed to be the first of its kind in use in upstate N.Y., county officials are hopeful the data the tool provides will aid in opioid and substance abuse education, prevention, treatment and response efforts. 

“Death from opioid poisoning is a national issue of historic proportion,” said Board of Supervisors Chairman Theodore Kusnierz, during Tuesday’s press conference unveiling the dashboard. The gathering included Clifton Park Supervisor and Health & Human Services Chair Philip Barrett, County Sheriff Michael Zurlo, and county Health Commissioner Daniel Kuhles, among others. 

“Nationally we see about 50,000 overdose deaths per year and three-quarters of those deaths involve the use of synthetic or man-made opioids, other than methadone,” said Kusnierz, adding that the county will be re-investing millions of dollars, including funds received via opioid settlements, to “mitigate the growing influence of drugs and addiction in our communities, through a variety of programs.” 

With the Surveillance Dashboard, Saratoga County Department of Health epidemiologists leverage data from six primary sources that originate across multiple disciplines (law enforcement, health care, mental health, and public health) to provide a comprehensive picture of the burden of substance use in the county.  The standardized approach allows for the timely identification of concerning patterns, such as a spike in a limited geographic area over a defined period of time. 

Some data: 

Drug-Related Overdoses in Saratoga County, 2018-2023

• 2018: 449.

• 2019: 467.

• 2020: 487.

• 2021: 584

• 2022: 671.

• 2023: 46 YTD. 

According to the data, 48 of the 671 overdoses in 2022 were fatal. In 2023, those statistics are 7 fatalities of 46 overdoses, year-to-date.    

The top five primary drugs in 2022 overdoses (that is, the first drug identified in the report and not including polydrug use) in order were: heroin, followed by RX drugs, fentanyl, oxycodone, alcohol. 

Substance Use: Top Number of Annual Narcotic Prescriptions by Provider Zip Code

• Saratoga Springs (12866): 120,418.

• Clifton Park (12065): 85,250. 

• Amsterdam – incl. portion of Saratoga County (12010): 60,929. 

• Ballston Spa (12020): 34,186.

• Gansevoort – incl. portion of Wilton (12831): 23,676. 

This narcotic prescription data – depicting the most recent information available in 2021 - is reflective of the provider zip code, and not of the patient receiving the prescription. As such, the totals may include non-Saratoga County residents. 

Multiple departments across the county will benefit from this data including Department of Health, Mental Health and Addiction Services, and the Sheriff’s Office. The data will help identify high burden areas and to track overdose ‘hot spots’ to quickly focus on peer outreach, naloxone placement/distribution, and trainings throughout the county. The data will also be used to monitor trends over time and evaluate the impact of prevention and treatment programs such as: Jail MAT Program, Second Chance Program, and Naloxone distribution and administration in the County. 

Saratoga County is also providing this public dashboard to assist healthcare organizations, first responders, community organizations, municipalities, and schools in their education, prevention, treatment and response efforts. Further, the dashboard provides residents with resources for mental health and substance use prevention and treatment. 

To view the Surveillance Use Dashboard go to 


Drug-related overdoses by year in Saratoga Springs, as reported via Saratoga County’s new Substance Use Surveillance Dashboard at:   

SARATOGA SPRINGS — The Saratoga Springs City Council meeting Feb. 7 was abruptly adjourned early following a lengthy and an at-times raw public discourse between members of the City Council members of Saratoga BLM.

The regularly scheduled council meeting- which began at 7 p.m., was adjourned at 8:02 and resumed at 8:13, before eventually adjourning for the night at 8:38. 

Both - members of the City Council and members of Saratoga BLM, committed to staging a public meeting with one another. The date of that meeting and the room where the meeting is to be held need to be confirmed, as well as ample time given for public notice. As such, a date was not immediately available regarding the staging of that meeting. 

Due to the early adjournment, no agenda items anticipated to be heard during the regularly scheduled meeting took place. These items included all five city department and both supervisor reports, as well as an anticipated discussion under the mayor’s agenda titled “Homeless in Saratoga.” 

It is anticipated a public meeting regarding the items not addressed on Feb. 7 will be scheduled prior to the City Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting on Feb. 21.     

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Shelters of Saratoga has announced it is canceling plans to site its shelter on Williams Street. 

“We value your trust in us as a homeless services provider in the greater Saratoga area. After hearing the concerns of the community, we’ve decided not to move forward with a shelter at 5 Williams St.,” the organization posted on its social media pages. 

Plans were underway to site a permanent 24/7 year-round shelter at the soon-to-be-vacated Senior Center on Williams Street. The city of Saratoga Springs announced a comprehensive initiative to address the city’s homelessness last October, during which time the City Council unanimously approved a resolution in favor of the project.

In January, some members of the Saratoga Central Catholic School, which partially borders the Williams Street Senior Center, began to express concerns regarding the siting of a shelter in close proximity to the private school. Last Monday, a meeting was held at the Holiday Inn where the shelter proposal met with backlash from parents and community members.

“The proposed city-led shelter proposal is a serious issue for the City’s administration and the Saratoga Springs community as a whole; however, the placement of such a facility near our school is fundamentally flawed,” said Dr. Giovanni Virgiglio Jr., Superintendent Of Schools, Diocese of Albany Catholic Schools, in a statement.  “Asking school parents and administrators — Catholic school parents and administrators at that — to reconcile the proposed location of a low-barrier shelter is not only unfair, it’s unacceptable. When considering the care and concern for both vulnerable populations, the welfare of our children and students must take precedence. Their safety is already our top priority, and we cannot stand for anything, no matter how well-intentioned, that may put their safety in question.”

“Code Blue” shelter and shelter services are provided to the homeless community whenever inclement winter weather temperatures are at or below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, inclusive of National Weather Service calculations for windchill.

Members of the Saratoga Springs community, motivated to action in the wake of the death of a city woman exposed to a winter’s elements on a December night in 2013, helped initiate a temporary homeless emergency shelter that Christmas Eve at St. Peter’s Parish Center. A series of temporary winter shelters have followed.

Local philanthropic efforts have raised more than $1 million and the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors have additionally expressed both verbal and financial support for the siting of a permanent shelter, but all efforts to site such a location have been rejected by residents or other stakeholders located in those specific communities.

The current lease at a temporary Code Blue shelter located on Adelphi Street runs through April 30 at a cost of $8,000 per month.

According to a statement issued by Shelters of Saratoga (S.O.S.), the organization has “identified a more viable location to operate Code Blue… We will continue to engage our community as our plans progress, and look forward to making an announcement soon,” said Duane Vaughn, executive director for Shelters of Saratoga.

A follow-up statement, released by the marketing wing of Discover Saratoga in care of S.O.S. states: “the plan we proposed to the city was to establish a permanent Code Blue Shelter and resource navigation center for the Williams Street property owned by the City. We have been negotiating in good faith for a long-term lease… however, the conversation began to focus on operating a 365-day, 24-hour per day shelter, including the idea of a low-barrier shelter. We made the effort to explore this idea. There are many implications to this type of shelter, a significant departure from our recommendation, with a wide range of new factors that must be cautiously evaluated. After careful consideration, we chose not to pursue the Williams Street location.”

The statement again re-iterates: “recognizing the imminent need for a Code Blue shelter commitment, we made the difficult decision to seek an alternative solution. We are finalizing a new agreement for a new location, which we will share with you in the very near future.”

A few hours following the initial announcement by S.O.S., city Mayor Ron Kim delivered the mayor’s annual State of the City Address and said, in part, that he will be forming a Task Force on Homelessness with the goal of selecting a permanent site for a shelter and navigation center by this fall.   

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Challenges of the past, prosperity and hope for the future. 

City Mayor Ron Kim delivered Saratoga Springs 2023 State of The City Address Feb. 3 at Saratoga Music Hall. 

“This is the Year of the Rabbit,” said Kim, the first Asian American city mayor in New York State, one month into his second year in office and one week after celebrating the Lunar New Year. “In Asian culture, the rabbit is a symbol of longevity, peace and prosperity and 2023 has been designated A Year of Hope,” he said. 

“While Saratoga Springs has some challenges, the State of the City is strong, its people and businesses are vibrant and 2023 can be a year of continued prosperity and hope.”

Infrastructure-wise, the city is nearing completion of a long-awaited third fire station; final designs have been approved and implementation begun on a comprehensive “missing sidewalks” program throughout Saratoga Springs, Kim said. 

This month, the first public hearing is anticipated take place with neighbors living in the western part of the city, tasked with the ultimate goal of developing a design for a multi-use trail on Grand Avenue that will connect the West Side. Additionally, a “destination” playground is anticipated to soon undergo development at Veterans Memorial Park, as is an undertaking of a comprehensive rehab at the city’s Waterfront Park on Saratoga Lake. 

Calling 2023 the year that the city makes great stride towards a carbon neutral future, the mayor informed that the city will create a Climate Action & Resiliency Plan. 

“Just in the last few days, the Mayor’s Office obtained a Climate Smart Grant for $37,500 to review the city’s carbon footprint and develop strategies to reach carbon neutrality,” Kim said. “This grant will allow the city to assess where it can reduce its carbon footprint so we can move to a carbon less and eventually carbon neutral future by 2030.” 

Regarding affordable housing, Kim referenced a recent partnership struck with Putnam Resources LLC on a proposed project at a brownfield site opposite the Saratoga Springs Public Library; a 200-unit Liberty Affordable Housing project adjacent to Saratoga Casino currently under review by the city’s Land Use Boards, and a pair of ongoing construction projects on the west side anticipated to add 202 housing units at Tait Lane. 

“The city not only needs to improve its affordable housing options, but also must offer shelter for its homeless residents. In June, I held the first Mayor’s forum on Homelessness at the City Center,” Kim said.  “In addition, my offices supported the successful ‘member-item’ funding effort by Congressman Paul Tonko to build a $2 million dollar Homelessness Day Center at RISE facilities.

“Currently, the city’s homeless take refuge during a major portion of the year in one of the city’s garages on Woodlawn. Not only is this inhumane, it is dangerous for residents, visitors and the homeless,” Kim said. “To remedy this situation and establish a long-term strategy, I am forming a Task Force on Homelessness with the goal of selecting a permanent site for a shelter and navigation center by Fall of 2023.”

SARATOGA SPRINGS - Shelters of Saratoga has announced it is canceling plans to site its shelter on Williams Street. 

"We value your trust in us as a homeless services provider in the greater Saratoga area. After hearing the concerns of the community, we've decided not to move forward with a shelter at 5 Williams St.," the organization posted on its social media pages. 

Plans were underway to site a permanent 24/7 year-round shelter at the soon-to-be-vacated Senior Center on Williams Street. The city of Saratoga Springs announced a comprehensive initiative to address the city’s homelessness last October, during which time the City Council unanimously approved a resolution in favor of the project.

In January, some members of the Saratoga Central Catholic School, which partially borders the Williams Street Senior Center, began to express concerns regarding the siting of a shelter in close proximity to the private school. Last Monday,  a meeting was held at the Holiday Inn where the shelter proposal met with backlash from parents and community members.

"The proposed city-led shelter proposal is a serious issue for the City's administration and the Saratoga Springs community as a whole; however, the placement of such a facility near our school is fundamentally flawed,” said Dr. Giovanni Virgiglio Jr., Superintendent Of Schools, Diocese of Albany Catholic Schools, in a statement.  “Asking school parents and administrators — Catholic school parents and administrators at that — to reconcile the proposed location of a low-barrier shelter is not only unfair, it’s unacceptable. When considering the care and concern for both vulnerable populations, the welfare of our children and students must take precedence. Their safety is already our top priority, and we cannot stand for anything, no matter how well-intentioned, that may put their safety in question.”

“Code Blue” shelter and shelter services are provided to the homeless community whenever inclement winter weather temperatures are at or below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, inclusive of National Weather Service calculations for windchill.

Members of the Saratoga Springs community, motivated to action in the wake of the death of a city woman exposed to a winter’s elements on a December night in 2013, helped initiate a temporary homeless emergency shelter that Christmas Eve at St. Peter’s Parish Center. A series of temporary winter shelters have followed.

Local philanthropic efforts have raised more than $1 million and the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors have additionally expressed both verbal and financial support for the siting of a permanent shelter, but all efforts to site such a location have been rejected by residents or other stakeholders located in those specific communities.

The current lease at a temporary Code Blue shelter located on Adelphi Street runs through April 30 at a cost of $8,000 per month.

According to a statement issued by Shelters of Saratoga, the organization has “identified a more viable location to operate Code Blue… We will continue to engage our community as our plans progress, and look forward to making an announcement soon,” said Duane Vaughn, executive director for Shelters of Saratoga.


SARATOGA SPRINGS — Changes are coming to Union Avenue. A public meeting scheduled to take place Thursday, Feb. 9 may go a long way in determining the substance of those alterations along one of the Spa City’s most notable thoroughfares.   

Already decided: the NYS Department of Transportation will soon begin making improvements – including markings for a bike path - between Henning Road (by Exit 14 of the Northway) and East Avenue (where Saratoga Race Course is located). 

The city meanwhile is considering making improvements along the lower portion of Union Avenue that would connect the NYSDOT’s bike path to Circular Street – the location of Congress Park. 

Additionally, the city is considering the possibility of reducing vehicle lane traffic along a portion of that lower segment, between Circular Street and Nelson Avenue, and create a protected bike lane that would make that path safer.

Petitions with opposing viewpoints, each garnering hundreds of signatures, have been posted on the website 

“Pump The Brakes. Do Not Rush Changes to Union Avenue!” 

One group, calling themselves the Historic Union Avenue Neighborhood Association is asking the city to “not rush a major decision affecting a vital gateway to our city,” and recommends a comprehensive plan be developed that allows “stakeholders” such as NYRA, the National Museum of Racing, the Saratoga Historic Preservation Foundation, Empire State College, the business community, and area residents, to weigh in. 

“Lets’ Get Bike Lanes on Union Avenue!”

A pro-bike group meanwhile is urging the City Council to build the Union Avenue bike lanes and the entire connected bike lane network. “We already decided on the city’s 2016 Complete Streets plan. It’s time to stop planning and start implementing.” The group says doing so will allow better safety for bike-riders, reduce traffic and parking needs, increase economic activity, and historically restore a 19th century bike lane on Union Avenue. 

Pro-bike advocates additionally point out that that the smattering of bike lanes that currently exist within the city don’t connect to one another, making them difficult to use. More connectivity would bring increased use on those paths, the group says. 

“No decisions have been made - except one,” city Mayor Ron Kim said. “A (previous) City Council passed a Complete Streets plan to implement bike paths throughout the city. Also, when we took office (in January 2022) the Department of Transportation was well underway to designing a bike path from Exit 14 (of the Northway) to East Avenue. That construction is going to start this spring.” 

The Complete Streets plan was adopted in 2013. Ken Grey, of the Complete Streets Advisory Board, said he would like to see Union Avenue restored to its original beauty. “We’re looking at the opportunity of transforming 78% of asphalt into 78% of green space and useable things like bike lanes.”  Reducing the lower segment roadway from four lanes to three would also allow for the addition of trees. 

Mike King is a recent transplant to Saratoga Springs. He holds an extensive background in city planning and is a member of Complete Streets. In January, King delivered a presentation to the city regarding proposed enhancements on lower Union Avenue.  “The State is building a bike lane between East Avenue and Henning. So, the question is: What do you do between East and Circular? 

“We could go out tomorrow and stripe a five-foot bike lane that goes from East, all the way to Circular. No one would be happy, but you could do that. There is enough room. But, we could also question whether we need four lanes of cars,” King said, adding that the average speed of vehicles in the 30 mph zone was recorded at 41 miles per hour.

Union Avenue currently has parking on both sides of the street with four driving lanes in between - two lanes going in each direction.

“You can’t really cross the street. It’s not very safe. According to statistics it’s three-and-a-half times more dangerous than similar type roads,” said King, discussing the prospect of going from four lanes to three.  “Some people have said they can’t fathom it. The Traffic Analysis that was done during the track season says it is possible to have three lanes and the world would not end.” 

The city will host a workshop and public gathering titled “Enhancing Union Avenue” regarding the proposed project. A new date for that gathering was announced by the city on Feb. 6. The public design workshop will take place 6 p.m. on Thursday, February 16 at the third floor Music Hall in City Hall. 

Correction: The original publication of this story misspelled the surname of Ken Grey, of the Complete Streets Advisory Board.That correct spelling Grey.   


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  • Saratoga County Sheriff’s Office  A 20-year-old Watervliet man was charged with first degree manslaughter after allegedly “striking another person with a large wrench and causing that person’s death,” according to the Saratoga County Sheriff’s Office. The sheriff’s office said they received a call of a fight in progress on Sparrow Drive in the town of Malta and the Investigation into the complaint led to the arrest of Cyrus J. Tetreault, 20, of Watervliet.  The victim was identified as 53-year-old Malta resident Brian M. Miller.  “It is truly tragic that this situation resulted in a loss of life,” county Sheriff Michael Zurlo…

Property Transactions

  • BALLSTON  Richard Burt sold property at 921 Route 50 to 921 Route 50 LLC for $173,000 GALWAY Rita Werner and Erin Forlenza sold property at 1064 West Galway Road to Karen Crandall for $145,000 GREENFIELD John Mishoe sold property at 463 Allen Road to Michael Forlini for $390,000 John Duffney sold property at 288 North Greenfield to Kelly Rozembersky for $270,000 MALTA  Timothy Albright sold property at 54 Shore Ave to Joseph DiDonna for $800,000 Jennifer Hogan sold property at 5 Plum Poppy South to Dustin Mullen for $475,000 Nicolas Aragosa sold property at 10 Scotch Mist Way to Steven…
  • NYPA
  • Saratoga County Chamber
  • BBB Accredited Business
  • Discover Saratoga
  • Saratoga Springs Downtown Business Association