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Tonko Introduces Cultural Resources Challenge Act; Legislation Empowers National Park Service To Better Protect and Preserve America’s Cultural Resources

SARATOGA COUNTY — Congressman Paul Tonko (NY-20) introduced his Cultural Resources Challenges Act, new legislation that would support and protect the nation’s cultural resources by empowering the National Park Service (NPS) to expand historic preservation efforts.

Tonko’s legislation came days after the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) released their Cultural Resources Challenge for the National Parks Service report, which called upon Congress to better support and fund NPS to restore and protect the nation’s resources.

“Our national parks are powerful, awe-inspiring records of our rich heritage and history,” Congressman Tonko said in a statement. “Despite their vital historic and economic benefits, our cultural resources are continuously underfunded and facing dire threats through natural disasters and climate change. My Cultural Resources Challenge Act seeks to address these threats. By addressing staff shortages with the National Park Service, confronting the role of climate change, and improving resiliency and accessibility of cultural resources, my bill will help ensure our cultural resources can continue to connect individuals and communities with the stories of our shared past and inspire future generations.”

The Cultural Resources Challenge Act of 2024 would: Require NPS to enhance cultural resources stewardship including by addressing staff shortages, update NPS guidance on cultural resources research and engagement, advance resource preservation and interpretation, provide technical assistance, and encourage interdisciplinary work and skills sharing. 

Additionally, it would direct NPS to develop curriculum to provide training to all park managers and staff, and establish a competitive NPS grant program focused on the resiliency and accessibility of cultural resources that prioritizes projects which address the role of climate change, involve underrepresented groups in historical preservation, engage with storytelling, and empower future generations to engage in historic preservation.