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Town of Wilton Adopts 2021 Budget

WILTON — The Wilton Town Board has adopted the Town’s 2021 budget which reflects an overall decrease of nearly 9% from the previous year’s budget. 

The Town Supervisor, John Lant, has prepared a conservative budget, recognizing the continued decrease in sales tax collections while not using existing fund balance to balance the budget. 

Next year marks Wilton’s 39th year with no town tax, according to a statement issued by the town.  The 2021 budget does not include debt financing.

The Town’s total budget for 2021, $8.2 million, is apportioned to the Town’s General Fund and Highway Fund for $5 million and $3.2 million, respectively. 

Budgeted sales tax for 2021 is 5% less than what was budgeted for the prior year, reflecting the current downward trend in sales tax collections, largely driven by decreased foot traffic in local stores resulting from the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus. 

Budgeted payroll decreased by 1% from the prior year in the General Fund, and increased by 3% in the Highway Fund, resulting in a two percent overall increase in payroll expense for the Town.  The decrease in the General Fund payroll was achieved through efficiencies created by cross-training staff. 

Budgeted General Fund expenditures for the Town’s two largest activities, governmental support and culture and recreation, decreased by 8% and 11%, respectively.  The decreases result from timing of project completion, a decrease in staffing levels and equipment purchases, and a decrease in planned spending for activities. 

Supervisor Lant has included funds in the 2021 budget for increased patrol by Sherriff’s Deputies.  The Town Board is also providing funding for the addition of an ice rink at the pavilion to provide Wilton residents with an additional, safe activity to enjoy during the winter months.

The Town of Wilton’s 2021 budget can be found at www.townofwilton.com.