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Warren’s Flagship Policies: Medicare For All

My name is Jennifer Zhang. I’m a college student and recent graduate of Potsdam High School, running to represent our congressional district at the 2020 Democratic National Convention as a delegate pledged to Elizabeth Warren.

One of Warren’s flagship policies is Medicare For All. While some may consider the plan “radical,” we must remember that Americans pay more for health insurance and receive poorer coverage than practically every major developed country—the average US household spends $12,000 annually on healthcare. 

Most importantly, Warren has created a dollar-for-dollar financing plan that would pay for Medicare For All without raising taxes on people earning less than $50 million. The vast majority of the program would be funded by employers paying roughly the same amount of money that they currently do for private insurance to the government instead. The rest of the funds would come from raising taxes on large corporations and the wealth of individuals earning over $50 million. Practically all of the North Country will NOT pay more in taxes.

Medicare For All is a practical, long-overdue solution to the intrinsic problems of our current healthcare system. It is a key component of Elizabeth Warren’s platform to bring big, structural change to our government and economy, and one of many reasons why residents of the North Country should support her campaign.

– Jennifer Zhang