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Wilton Mall Redevelopment Plans Continue

A rendering of the proposed redevelopment at Wilton Mall. Image provided by Macerich.

WILTON — Discussion on the proposed redevelopment of the Wilton Mall continued during a public hearing at the Town Board Meeting on Oct. 5.

The plans propose the development of apartment units and townhomes at the site of the mall’s former Bon Ton location. While speaking at the hearing, Wilton Mall GM Mike Shaffer said similar plans have been enacted in malls nationwide, converting the properties into what he described as “mixed-use destinations.”

He stated the project’s goal is to increase property values, reduce vacancies in the mall, and add an increase in sales tax revenue to the town and county.

Shaffer said that the proposal has begun to garner interest from several companies, including a fitness company and a new theater operator. He also cited a study from Camoin Associates stating that the project would generate over $360,000 in net sales tax revenue, and over $800,000 annually to the Saratoga Springs City School District.

Jon Locke, owner of Salty Buns Restaurant in the Wilton Mall, spoke strongly in support of the proposal, saying part of the reason the restaurant moved into the mall this summer was their belief in the plans.

“This endeavor will bring vitality into our town, offering decent living spaces and crafting a vibrant community complete with essential amenities at our fingertips,” Locke said. “What truly sets this project apart is its capacity to offer employment prospects on numerous fronts, from skilled labor that will be necessary during the construction to the countless positions needed to support the residents and businesses within this new complex.”

Duane Hendershot, store director of Healthy Living Market inside the mall, said he is “really excited” about the proposal. As part of the plan, funding would also be provided to Saratoga PLAN for a conservation easement on the Vincek Farm.

Laura Vincek of the Vincek Farm said at the hearing that the easement would benefit not just to town residents, but “will benefit the planet for as long as the planet exists.” She said the Vincek Farm has been a continuously-working farm since the 18th century, prior to the Revolutionary War.

“The Vincek Farm is a historic landmark, and a national treasure that should be protected eternally for the generations to come,” said Laura Vincek. “People have said to me, ‘Well, you could just remove the development rights.’ Well if I could do that, someone else can put them back.”

Josh Vincek also spoke at the hearing, and said they hope to add more events and activities at the farm for members of the community. He said the farm often hosts groups and assists with local nonprofits.

Tori Roberts of Saratoga PLAN read a letter from the group at the hearing, saying that while Saratoga PLAN takes no position on the mall project, they are “supportive of the concept of using previously-developed land for sustainable redevelopment strategies” from an environmental and conservation perspective.

“Concentrating development in these areas offers the potential to reduce urban sprawl, and preserve open space for the entire community,” the letter read in part.

However, some residents raised concerns about the proposal. Scott Kingsley said he does not believe a PUDD is appropriate for the area, and noted he is against urbanization in Wilton, saying, “If you want to look like Saratoga Springs, the problems of Saratoga Springs will follow.”

“The problem is, when you open the door, the door never closes,” said Kingsley. “What happens when the rest of the mall continues to struggle? … We know what’s going to happen. And I do feel sorry for the property owners there. But they’re going to want more residential when other parts of the mall fail.”

Chad Jerome said he does not believe the residential properties will have the stated effect.

“You’re putting residential property next to a mall with the idea that, hopefully, residents of that are going to somehow make the mall successful that’s been in decline,” Jerome said. “… It’d be unfortunate if the Wilton Mall were to go away. Businesses come and go, unfortunately. The town board isn’t here to save every business that may or may not work. That’s not saying that we want the mall to go. But if the business isn’t there for it, then the business isn’t there for it.”

Some residents also raised concerns about a potential increase in traffic, although Shaffer cited a traffic study that he said was conducted in 2022 that did not anticipate any significant impacts.

After the hearing, Town Board member John McEachron stated that while he is in favor of the project, “There has to be something in it for the Town of Wilton.”

“We’re changing zoning,” McEachron said at the meeting. “We’re changing zoning to a 110-acre PUDD that can never get brought back, can never change back. So what do we get out of it? There’s got to be a public benefit.”

Following the hearing, Shaffer told a group of reporters he was pleased with the turnout of supporters, and is looking forward to continuing the process.

“Very pleased for the supporters that turned out for us tonight, and the amount of knowledge that they had on the project,” Shaffer said. “Just very pleased with that turnout. And we’ll see where it goes from here.”

The plans will be brought to the Wilton Planning Board on Oct. 18, and are expected to return to the Town Board at its Nov. 2 meeting, Shaffer said.