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Woerner Statement on Revoking Gov. Cuomo Emergency Powers

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Democrat Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner, who represents the 113th Assembly District, issued a statement March 2 that called for the State Legislature to “take back its power, return to normal working order,” regarding a March 2020 bill that gave the governor emergency powers to suspend, modify, and create laws by issuing directives, in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. The powers were set to expire April 30, 2021.

Assemblywoman Woerner’s statement, in its entirety, is as follows: 

“Last year, as our state was thrown into turmoil as COVID-19 hit Upstate New York. Much was unknown and uncertain, and we needed government to respond quickly as circumstances changed and as we learned more about the virus and how it spread. At that time, it was prudent to grant the governor emergency powers to deal with the onset crisis of the pandemic. But now as we have learned more and things are beginning to stabilize, it is time to restore the balance of power in our state government.

“The measure announced today will immediately revoke the emergency powers that were granted last year and will ensure legislative oversight of changes to state laws or directives. This will restore the checks and balances that are necessary to our legislative process while ensuring there is still a fast path to respond to emergencies. This legislation also returns power to our local governments. This is a solid plan that will return us to normal working order.”