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Yoga for Sitting

As our community begins to open up, we feel eager for the opportunity to help in any way we can. Over the last several weeks my staff and I have made major changes to how we operate. We decided early on that the lockdown was an opportunity to evaluate what we felt was working and what wasn’t working in our practice. 

One big area was realizing how much we like working one-on-one with our patients. The parameters of social distancing have allowed us to implement a more effective way of treating patients, we had to change our schedule to minimize how many people are in the building and at the same time ensure that every patient is scheduled one-on-one. 

We are choosing to be the best we can and are committed to living up to the “Best of Saratoga” award we just received for the second straight year. 

Thank you to everyone that voted for us, it is truly an honor!

For this week’s article, I asked Sarah Avery, DPT, PYT to share some strategies/solutions for people having pain when they sit. I wrote an article recently about the same topic, and thought that having a Yoga based point of view might compliment my tips.


I hear frequently that sitting causes pain and discomfort not only in the shoulders, but also the low back and hips. Here are some yoga poses that combat forward head and rounded shoulder posture, tight/weak hip flexors, and an underutilized core. They can be done in your home or office when you have been sitting. They are safe and performed multiple times per day in most cases. 

These poses were carefully chosen to give you a well rounded approach to what your body needs when sedentary. Please note that these poses should not be painful, and should feel like a gentle stretch or muscle activation. If you experience pain please reach out to me for assistance!


In an effort to help our community, Goodemote Physical Therapy and FysioFit Physical Therapy will be continuing to offer virtual therapy and as I mentioned we have changed our clinics schedule to ensure we maintain social distancing parameters and provide one-on-one only therapy. 

For more information please go to: www.GoodemotePT.com or www.Fysiofit.com. Call 518-306-6894. 

Email us at goodemotept@gmail.com. Virtual Yoga Classes: www.fysiofitpt.com/virtual-classes