Displaying items by tag: Spa Catholic

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Saratoga Central Catholic School (SCC) is starting out the new school year with a new principal. Joe Kilmade has replaced former interim Principal Michael Kondratowicz as the head administrator for the 2020-2021 school year.

Kilmade is a former native of the Capital District, born and raised in Albany. He returns after most recently serving as Administrator and Principal in the Archdiocese of St. Louis for the past eleven years.

“It is great to be back home in the Capital District, close to family and friends and serving the community at SCC,” said Principal Kilmade. “I hope to partner with families and teachers to build a program that meets the academic, emotional, and spiritual needs of the students entrusted to our care. Through listening, planning, and creativity, the great tradition of success at SCC will continue while new programs and facility upgrades bring the school to a new and exciting place.”

Kilmade addressed the parents of SCC at his first Virtual Parent Meeting on Aug. 4. His address started with citing the single most strongest element that his administration described as characteristic of Saratoga Central Catholic. The unanimous response from staff and faculty was the “sense of community” that was noted as prevalent within the school. Kilmade pointed to that strongpoint as “the reason why the school will make it through these difficult times, helping one another.” He reinforced the message that SCC is committed to creating a learning environment that protects students’ and staffs’ health, safety and privacy.

According to the Reopening Plan that Mr. Kilmade introduced, “while schools have been instructed to prioritize efforts to return all students to in-person instruction, SCC is also planning for remote/distance learning, as well as a hybrid model that combines in-person instruction and remote learning. Parents will always have the choice to remain in the remote learning model. Every five weeks, at progress reports and the end of each academic quarter, parents will be able to opt-in to the remote learning model. Once opted-in, students remain in that model until the five week period is up. If during the first week of a new five-week cycle, a student wants to opt-in who had planned to be in person, they may do so.” 

Families will be asked to formally state their intention for in-person or remote learning via a signed form by the parent.

Every day will begin with a health check for teachers, administrators and students before entering the building. An isolation room for anyone showing signs of COVID-like symptoms during the day has been designated on the middle floor of the building. Teachers will be taking on additional roles within the school striving for more “hands-on-deck” at all times. The school will invest in PPE equipment and masks that will be made available as needed throughout the day.

Regarding masks, the Reopening Plan states that, “face coverings are strongly recommended to be worn by all students at all times indoors and outdoors, but required to be worn any time or place individuals cannot maintain appropriate social distancing. Masks will be required in hallways and bathrooms. Students will be allowed to remove face coverings during meals, instruction, and during short breaks, so long as they maintain social distance.” Any person without a facemask will be provided one by the school.

Kilmade went on to discuss the “deep” cleaning of the school that will take place. He shared the wonderful news that Jamie Kennedy of KPM Restoration has generously donated a complete professional sanitizing of SCC before the school year opens in September. Regular cleaning and disinfection of the facilities will occur on an on-going basis, including more cleaning and disinfection for high-risk and frequently touched surfaces.

Saratoga Central Catholic will be utilizing a “Cohort Approach” to building usage, which has to do with keeping students together in small groups and reducing exposure to additional students. Plans are in place to limit the number of students in each room over the course of a day/week. The Middle School will be grouped together on the ground floor of the school, Juniors and Seniors will take over the first floor classrooms and Freshman and Sophomores will utilize the top floor of the building. In addition, new spaces will be created and/or utilized including St. Peter’s Parish Center, which will serve as one of two separate student Cafeterias. Big round tables in the lunchroom will seat three students so that only 30-40 students will have lunch at once. Families will pre-order lunch the week before. Lunch bags will be labeled so the school can keep track of what was ordered for each student. St. Peter’s Parish Center will also host art and music classes once or twice a week.

Other changes will involve Physical Education classes. PE classes will be held outside or in the gym or throughout several classrooms. PE classes will be combined from 40 minutes twice a week to 80 minutes once every three or four days. School-issued PE uniforms will be required so there is no need to use the locker rooms.

All athletics are on hold until Sept. 21, at which time a decision will be made as to whether winter athletics will be played starting Jan. 4, 2021. There will be a distance of 12 feet maintained between students when engaging in physical activity.

Multiple entrances to the building will be used to limit high numbers of people entering and exiting at any one time. No outside visitors or volunteers will be allowed on the school campus, except for the safety and well-being of students.

Throughout the facility, there will be directional arrows showing the flow of movement as well as markers for waiting areas in spaces where a line may form. Signs will be posted around the building reminding students to socially distance. Within the classrooms, desks will be positioned six-feet apart from each other and the school will follow direct guidance protocol from the State of NY. Air circulation will be enhanced by opening doors and windows and the school will add window fans for increased air flow.

Academics-wise, the majority of school work will be submitted digitally. SCC will be moving to a single online learning platform, Google Education Suite, which will streamline file sharing and email communication. Classes will make use of either a Google Classroom or Schoology site associated with it to facilitate the sharing of materials and classroom interaction in a uniform way across the school. Every class will have a digital profile so if the school needs to pivot, the transition will be an easier one.

Regarding bus transportation, the public school districts will be providing SCC bussing. Buses will only be able to transport a quarter of the number they used to. School bus drivers, monitors, attendants and mechanics must wear a face covering along with an optional face shield. Transportation to and from the North Country and Amsterdam, which SCC has provided in the past, is currently being assessed as to whether it presents itself as a reasonable option or not going forward.

The full report for the Education Department was submitted by SCC on Friday, Aug. 7 and is posted on the SCC website at www.saratogacatholic.org.

Kilmade shared the influx of interest in enrollment at this time due to the small number of students within the school and the detailed preparation toward in-person learning.

Kilmade said, “many new families in the Saratoga and surrounding areas are thoughtfully considering Saratoga Central Catholic School as a safe educational choice. In light of COVID-19, many parents are looking for small educational settings and many are looking for a remote learning option. I believe that SCC has outlined a cohesive plan of Reopening that allows parents freedom and versatility to change their learning method as situations change. We have taken the time to address student, faculty and administrative needs in great detail.” 

Kilmade invites families to set up a meeting to discuss anything they have questions about, stressing that their comfort level is of utmost importance to him. For more information on Saratoga Central Catholic’s Reopening Plan, visit www.saratogacatholic.org.


Q&A with SCC’s New Principal: 

Q: What are your thoughts on this upcoming school year?
A: “I am very much looking forward to this school year. It’s definitely going to be different and present some challenges but I am enjoying getting to know the community here and working with them to come up with a plan that works for everybody.”

Q: How have the parents responded to the reopening plan?
A: “Very positively. We did a survey prior to formally publishing the announcement about the plan so there were a lot of questions about: can we be remote by choice, or are we going to be in-person? But since we’ve published it, it’s been very positive feedback.

Families will get the option every five weeks to choose to have their students be in attendance remotely. So that kind of satisfies families who were nervous about coming back and want to stay connected to the school. We also have the in person instruction so those who want to return to school in person can.”

Q: When do classes begin for the year?
A: “We start Sept. 14. [It’s] only a few days later, usually we start the week after Labor Day but we pushed it back so we had a couple of days for teacher meetings and student orientation.

That week right after Labor Day we will bring the kids back in small groups for a couple of hours and kind of go through what their day will look like and the do’s and don’ts.

[Starting two days later] gives us just a little bit more time. There is a lot of new procedure and things going on in the building that you have to get used to.”

Q: How has enrollment been? How are you dealing with the volume?
A: “Yes we have had an increase in enrollment. We are up about ten-percent from a month ago. For us that means 20 new students.

How are we handling it? We kind of identified our max class sizes. Classrooms can only hold a certain amount given restrictions on distancing. So what that means for example, eighth grade we can’t really have more than 30 kids because that’s two sections of 15 and we can do that. Once we get into groups of 16 or 17 [students] now we are running out of space. We had space in every class so we are doing okay. We don’t have to add classrooms or sections of things. We were kind of ready for an increase so we were able to handle it well.

Our max class sizes will be about 15 or 16 [students]. We have a couple spaces that can hold up to 20 but those spaces can’t be used by every teacher all day.

The building will be separated. We will have our middle school on one floor, ninth and tenth on another and eleventh and twelfth on a different floor as well. For the most part they will stay in those spaces throughout the school day, and there will be some movement.”

Q: What is the policy on in-person instruction and masks?
A: “What we are saying is that we will follow the guidance from the local health department and NYS. There is some clarification going on locally about what the guidance is.

Last time we heard and we interpreted: students, if they were in the hallway or common areas, had to have a mask but once everyone was in a class, seated and distanced it was optional. If that guidance changes we will adjust accordingly”

Q: Are you excited to be the new principal?
A: “I’m very excited. This is a wonderful community, even in the middle of all this, and not being able to meet people in person how I would prefer to, they have been very welcoming and gracious. It’s a great place to be.

The community here has been very supportive and the leadership of both the outgoing principle and the school board has been great.”

Published in Education

SARATOGA SPRINGS — On Thursday, May 7, staff from Saratoga Springs High School (SSHS) surprised their senior students with lawn signs. On Friday, May 8, Saratoga Central Catholic (Spa Catholic) did the same.

SSHS’ leadership team came up with the idea to drop off the lawn signs to the seniors. The signs feature the names of all seniors in the class. 

Principal Michelle Tsao said: “This collaborative effort to recognize the Class of 2020 would not have happened without the dedicated staff of our school and district. We were happy to see students and their smiling faces throughout the day!”

Published in Education
Thursday, 28 March 2019 14:04

Meet the Team: Spa Catholic Saints Baseball

SARATOGA SPRINGS — The Spa Catholic Saints are back for another season, with their sights set on high goals.

Head Coach Alphonse Lambert heads into his 32nd season coaching the legendary team, that was 20-3 last year in the Waseren League, and have been the league’s champions for the past two years. 

“Tradition never graduates. The program as of right now, we know what’s expected and we work hard,” said Coach Lambert. “We just try to take one inning at a time…that’s how we’ve been successful.

This year’s team is a veteran team of mostly juniors, seniors and one sophomore. Coach Lambert can name a few outstanding players to look out for this season including Dylan Custer, Dante Merin, and the team’s captains Nicholas Winslow and Terel Tillman. 

“He’s (Winslow) a fantastic hitter,” said Coach Lambert. “Nick is one of the best catchers in the area of the catholic districts.”

Tillman, a right-handed pitcher and shortstop is a two-time MVP of the Waseren league and three-time all-state player. According to his stats, and coach Lambert, “he’s one of Spa Catholic’s all-time greatest players.” Team captains Winslow and Tillman are not only talented players but enthused leaders.

“I try to tell them what they’re not so great at, so that they’re working on that more than working on their strong suits,” said Tillman.

“We like to have everyone involved and be a leader because we just do better, and the chemistry is better,” said Winslow.

Coach Lambert would like to focus this season on sharpening up basic skills.

“When you have a team that has a lot of talent, sometimes they do things that are unconventional,” said Lambert. “Sometimes fundamentals get lost in the shuffle, so you have to bring it back to the beginning.”

The Spa Catholic Saint’s first game of the season will be Monday, April 1 versus Hoosic Falls at Hoosic Falls. 


Published in Sports
Thursday, 28 February 2019 13:10

Lauren Maher: Athlete of the Week

Photos Provided.

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Saratoga Catholic’s varsity athlete Lauren Maher is a year-round athlete who reminds us that the adrenaline rush of a sport is nothing without the sense of community that athletics generate.

Kristen, Maher’s older sister, and biggest inspiration, was on her way to soccer tryouts when she encouraged then nine-year-old Maher to take up soccer herself. That small dose of sibling bonding jumpstarted Lauren’s athletic career.
Shortly after, Maher joined some of her friends in trying their hand at hoops. Leading into middle and high school, Maher bloomed into an all-year jock as she joined not only the soccer and basketball teams, but her track and field and cross-country team as well.
The Spa Catholic soccer team captain says without hesitation that soccer is her favorite sport. In addition to playing for her school, Maher is also a player for Nirvana 360’s travel soccer team. Nirvana 360 has traveled to Washington D.C and Disney, where they played on the ESPN field.
Even with all the glam that comes with the sport, the engagement with her teammates is a part of what makes her love the game.
“I find it (soccer) the most fun and I connect with my team more. My favorite part about soccer is probably just being able to win with my team.” 
Playing and competing all year can be draining for any young athlete. Maher practices on the field, track, court and off, every single day. During basketball season, she only has one day of the week to rest. Luckily Maher has avoided serious injuries due to training herself to recover physically, mentally and by utilizing her strong familial support system.
“They (her family) always come to my games and push me to do better,” said Maher.
Maher is constantly motivated to do better at every meet and game. To get herself in the zone, she feeds off the energy of her teammates to keep her in a good mood and remind her of who she is competing for.
“I don’t know if I have a least favorite part,” said Maher. “I guess if I do something bad and let my team down.”
Maher hopes to continue playing soccer into college and to create more meaningful team connections.
Published in Sports

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Ty Stacey is enjoying his first year as head coach for the Spa Catholic girls’ basketball teams. It’s a drastic difference from his day job as a probation officer. Stacey is taking over for Damian Fantauzzi, who coached the team last year. Stacey said Fantauzzi left to spend more time with his grandchildren and he coaches cross-country and track in the spring. Stacey’s coaching experience varies: he was head coach at SUNY Adirondack for the men’s team for years.

“I’ve been coaching my son in various AAU teams and baseball and basketball ever since. The girls that I have this year are extremely committed to learning and developing their skills as basketball players but also their athleticism. I have some girls that play five sports throughout the year. So, they aren’t only benefitting as a basketball player but they’re benefiting as a complete athlete,” Stacey explained.

Stacey played basketball as a student at Saratoga Springs High school; he also played at SUNY Adirondack and St. Joseph’s in Rutland, Vermont. Stacey is a probation officer for Saratoga County and finds a correlation between his coaching and day job.

“The way I look at it is, we’re all the same. It’s just the same lessons in a different arena. We all make mistakes, it’s our responsibility to learn from them and change our future and develop new skills and be responsible,” Stacey said.

Stacey gets help on the court from Alphonse Lambert, the schools’ athletic director and bowling and baseball coach, and Fantauzzi, who still stops by and takes notes. John Catone, the boys’ basketball coach, also stops by practice from time to time and vice versa for Stacey.

“We’ll watch each other’s practices a little bit and get different ideas, different approaches, but it’s not like we’re in direct collaboration. I will work with coach Lambert and Damian Fantauzzi, who has already come and watched one of the games. They’ll send me emails with their observations and their thoughts, which is tremendously helpful because one person can’t be everything,” Stacey explained.

The team consists of 11 players, only one of which is a senior.

“We’re very young, we are striving to get better as the season goes. We’ve already shown improvement from last year to this year. Since we’ve lost our top scorer from last year, we’re trying to figure out where our scoring is going to come from. That’s going to be the goal here, to see who’s going to provide it, and that could change each night. The future is promising. This year I think we’re going to surprise some people and I can guarantee that the girls are going to compete every night. They are a good group of kids,” he said, complimenting his team.

Before every game, Stacey likes to inspire them in a simple way: by reminding them to put in the work.

“I just remind them that they need to do their job and everybody else knows what job they’ve got to do, and it’ll all come together. The girls are pretty self-motivating, makes my job easy that way and it just reinforces the learning process every game. Learn as you go, learn as you play, and that’s how you benefit,” Stacey said.

To catch a Saratoga Central Catholic basketball game, check out the Sports at a Glance page.

Published in Sports
Thursday, 29 November 2018 11:46

Athlete of the Week: Micaela Barbolt

Photos provided.

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Junior bowler Micaela Barbolt is happy to be at Saratoga Central Catholic for her second year in a row. She feels that she excels better there, academically and athletically.

“Academically, my grades have improved at Spa Catholic. I’ve been more focused and into school than I was at Saratoga. It’s more of a family and community here. You get to know the teachers better and they help you a lot more. Socially, I used to be very shy but now I’m very outgoing. I’ve made a lot of good friends through Spa Catholic,” Barbolt explained.

She began bowling around age 12 after starting in a league. As her skills improved, she wanted to progress. She played in Juniors Gold in Indianapolis last year through the Capital District Youth Scholarship Tour (CDYST) and has done other leagues outside of school. She is the only bowler in her family and does not play any other sports. Her best game was a 290 last year.

“It was the highest scoring and the best I’ve scored technique wise. I was really focused and had started learning how to bowl better and I just got really into it then,” Barbolt said.

It’s her competitive nature though, that keeps her going and she strives to do better every time.

“[Coach Lambert] is a really good coach. He’s taught me a lot about bowling - and myself. He’s taught me how to improve and keep focused. He really motivates everyone and helps me strive to be the best,” she said. “Bowling is a big mind game though, so, if you’re doing bad you tend to do worse because you keep thinking about it,” she explained.

She intends to bowl in college and may investigate professional bowling as a path if college bowling goes well.

“The team is really good, they’re all fun to be around and they all like bowling as much as I do if not more,” Barbolt complimented.

To find out when the Spa Catholic team bowls, visit our Sports at a Glance page.

Published in Sports
Thursday, 01 November 2018 12:34

Athlete of the Week: Kennedy Murphy

[Photos provided]

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Kennedy Murphy, a senior at Saratoga Central Catholic, has been playing volleyball since the seventh grade, a sport that in her big sportoriented family, she has all to herself.

“I wanted to play a fall sport and it was a good program at the school, a lot of my friends were playing, so in seventh grade I just joined the modified team and ended up really liking it, so I just stuck with it,” Murphy explained.

She is also a guard on the basketball court and an outfielder on the softball field, though volleyball is her favorite.

“I just really enjoy the sport [volleyball] overall. My family was always a huge basketball family and nobody in my family had played volleyball before, so it was nice for it to be my thing. Sports in general, not specifically volleyball, you get tired of going to the practices and the far away games, but I think that’s all worth it,” she said.

In her limited free time, Murphy enjoys spending time with her family and watching sports on tv and in person. Her dad will be coaching basketball this year at Saratoga Springs High School and she enjoys going to those games to watch. During Murphy’s junior season, the volleyball team went undefeated and were crowned champions of the league. This season, two of their best players had moved on to college.

“I think we were good this year. I don’t think people thought we were going to do as good as we did just because we lost two girls that are now playing in college, so it was nice to come out and show that we were going to do good and have a presence in the league. It was definitely hard coming back, having lost those girls, but I think we figured it out,” she explained.

The reason for the initial difficulties? A lot of the girls had never played together before because they had been moved up from JV to Varsity.

“In the past years, we had all just always played together. So, it took a little bit more work to find that team chemistry but eventually, I think we found it,” Murphy stated.

Murphy has known Coach Izzo for a long time, her parents were taught by her at Spa Catholic as well. Izzo has tried to convince Murphy to play volleyball in college but she’s unsure, for a good reason.

“I have thought about it a little bit, I kind of wanted to go to a bigger school, that I don’t think I could play at. Playing sports in college is a huge commitment and I just want to focus on school, but I did think about it. I could only play at small schools, so I don’t think I’m going to do it,” she explained.

Her top three picks for college are University of Georgia, University of Kentucky, and Syracuse University. She really wants to go down south because, “she doesn’t like winter at all.”

She intends to major in something related to heath and exercise science.

“The plan right now is to get my doctorate in physical therapy but who knows, that may change,” she said.

This season, the team lost in the first round of sectionals. However, while Murphy acknowledged that it was upsetting, she also realizes her entire varsity career has been great and this season was good, aside from the final loss.

Published in Sports
Thursday, 11 October 2018 11:46

Local All-Star Moments

SRYMCA Over 50 Basketball League 2018-2019 Announcement
SARATOGA SPRINGS — Saratoga Regional YMCA Over 50 Basketball League will begin its 13th season. Signups are now open at the Membership Desk of any SRYMCA Branch, or online for YMCA Members at srymca. org. New Player Evaluation will be October 17, First Game schedule for October 31. Games are played Wednesday nights. Dues are $130 for members and $260 for non-members. Sponsors and Team Captains are needed. For additional info call Paige Minear at 518-583–YMCA (9622), ext 120.

Spa Catholic Volleyball
SARATOGA SPRINGS — Saratoga Central Catholic hosted Hoosic Valley in league play Saints won 3-0; scores 25-22,25-19,25-21. Highlights for the Saints: 10-1 league, 11-2 overall; Elise Browell 9 service points, 2 aces, 23 assist; MaryClare Pikus  4 kills, 5 digs Kennedy Murphy 5 kills, 4 digs; Grace O’Reilly 12 service points, 4 aces, 8 kills, 4 digs; Molly O’Reilly 10 service points, 6 aces, 3 digs. Highlights for the Indians: 3-9 league, 3-10 overall; Samantha Finkle 3 kills, 1 ace; Shannon Brown 3 kills, 5 assist; Olivia Smith 3 kills, 1 ace.

Saratoga Field Hockey
Saratoga at Nisky - Oct. 5
Scores made by: Kylie Folts; Lindsay Frank (3), one assisted by Katelyn Ginley; Haley Waghorn. 5-0 Toga
Saratoga at Glens Falls - Oct. 8
Scores made by: Haley Waghorn assisted by Lindsay Frank; Lindsay Frank assisted by 
Anna Dennett; Lindsay Frank assisted by Olivia Vukelic; Haley Waghorn; Grace Sablich assisted by Katelyn Ginley. 5-0 Toga

Oliver Huss Featured on American Ninja Warrior Junior
SARATOGA SPRINGS  — Oliver Huss, 9, whose family owns Saratoga Ninja Garage, will be featured on the brand-new season/show American Ninja Warrior Junior. Huss was cast for the show after submitting videos in his local garage and becoming a nationally ranked ninja star through competitions. The local ninja garage and the city of Saratoga Springs has hosted the TV show’s most famous stars, and now boast their very own local ninja celebrity. You can watch Huss compete to be the first American Ninja Warrior Junior Champion on Universal Kids, premiering October 13 at 7 p.m.

St. Michael’s College Volleyball
The Saint Michael’s College women’s volleyball team lost 3-1 to 2017 NCAA Tournament qualifier Saint Anselm College on Tuesday before taking Merrimack College to five sets and falling 3-2 on Thursday. Both matches were in Northeast-10 Conference play. First-year Grace Fornabia, of Saratoga Springs/ Saratoga Central Catholic, had six kills and a block.

Saratoga CSD Varsity Golf
SARATOGA SPRINGS — On Wednesday, Oct. 3, Saratoga Springs took the Section II Class A Golf Championship at McGregor Links Country Club, shooting 290 to win the team title over Albany Academy’s 315.


Published in Sports
Thursday, 04 October 2018 13:46

Athlete of the Week: MaryClare Pikus

SARATOGA SPRINGS — MaryClare Pikus, a senior at Saratoga Central Catholic, is a star on the volleyball court. She has been playing volleyball for the last six years.

“The season is going great! Everyone on the team is working really hard and giving it their all, every single game,” Pikus said.

Pikus’ sister was also a volleyball player and watching her play inspired her to give it a try.

“My older sister played volleyball in high school and I watched almost every game when I was younger. Watching her and her team work hard together made me want to play volleyball myself, and I did as soon as I could in seventh grade,” Pikus explained.

Aside from volleyball, she also played softball for six years and stopped last season.

Teamwork makes the dream work and Pikus is inspired and in awe of her team.

“We all get along so well and it makes the experience so much fun. Playing volleyball with my team is like playing with a group of my close friends. I am going to miss it very much,” she said.

While Coach Maria Izzo has high praise for Pikus, she has high praise for her beloved coach as well.

“Coach Izzo is a great coach. She always knows what to say and when to say it. She can pick us back up when we begin to fall down in games and tells us exactly what we need to hear,” Pikus complimented.

She credits her dad as her biggest supporter.

“He always comes to my matches, even if they are a long distance away. He always makes me feel better when I don’t play my best during tough matches,” she said. Pikus has big dreams for the next ten years. “I hope to be a neuroscientist and work on research to help those with memory issues and other diseases affecting the brain,” she stated.

To see Pikus and the Spa Catholic Saints in action, check out our Sports at a Glance page for upcoming matches.

Published in Sports
Friday, 21 September 2018 12:26

Local All-Star Moments

Spa Catholic Volleyball
SARATOGA SPRINGS — The Saratoga Central Catholic Saints hosted the Berlin Mountaineers on Friday, Sept. 14. Saints won 3-0.  Scores: 25-6,25-5,25-22. Highlights for the Saints: Elise Browell 17 service points 3 aces 15 assist; MaryClare Pikus 2 kills 2 blocks; Caroline Motler 6 service points 1 ace; Catherine Darcy 5 service points 2 aces 2 kills. Highlights for the Mountaineers: Brooke DeShane 6 service points 2 aces 1 kill Saints are 4-0 league and overall. Mountaineers are 0-4 league and overall.

Ballston Spa Boys Soccer
BALLSTON SPA— Thursday, Sept.13, Burnt Hills Boys Varsity soccer team visited Ballston Spa. The score was 0-0 until the last minute of the game when Jeff Matthews scored assisted by Mikey Robyck. Final score 1-0 Ballston Spa taking the win. Saturday Sept. 15, Bethlehem boys varsity soccer team, ranked #2 in NYS, visited Ballston Spa. Liam O’Connell scored a laser shot from 25 yards out to put BSpa on the board within the first five minutes, assisted by Jeffery Matthews. Bethlehem pressed hard for the remaining 75 minutes, but the Scotties held their ground and Bethlehem was unable put one in. Final score: 1-0 Ballston Spa. 

SRYMCA Over 50 Basketball League 2018-2019: Announcement
SARATOGA SPRINGS — Saratoga Regional YMCA Over 50 Basketball League will begin its 13th season. Sign-ups are now open at the Membership Desk of any SRYMCA Branch, or online for YMCA Members at srymca. org. New Player Evaluation will be October 17. First Game schedule for October 31. Games are played Wednesday nights. Dues are $130 for members and $260 for non-members. Sponsors and Team Captains are needed. For additional info call Paige Minear at 518-583–YMCA (9622), ext. 120 or visit srymca.org

Suburban Field Hockey
Wednesday, Sept. 12: Nisky at Saratoga at The Dome
Frist Half: Toga 4  v. Nisky 0
Haley Waghorn assisted by Kylie Folts
Lindsey Frank - 2 goals and 1 assist
Olivia Vukelic  - 2
Katelyn Ginley - 2 assists
Second Half:
Molly Russell - 2 goals
Olivia Vukelic - 1 assist
Lindsey Frank - 1 assist

Final Score: Toga 6 v. Nisky 0
Corners: Toga - 11 | Nisky - 6
Shots: Toga 16 | Nisky 14
Toga Goalies: Kristen Rodecker and Emma Piccirillo - 6 saves
Nisky Goalie - 6 saves
Toga 4-1 | Nisky 3-2

Friday, Sept. 14: Gland at Saratoga at the Dome
First Half: Toga 2  v. Gland 0
Lindsey Frank - 2 goals and 1 assist by Kylie Folts

Second Half:
Molly Russell assisted by Lindsey Frank
Hunter Yourch assisted by Lindsey Frank
Final Score: Toga 4 v. Gland 0
Corners: Toga – 8 | Gland – 4
Shots: Toga 24 | Gland 4
Toga Goalies: Kristen Rodecker - 2 saves
Gland Goalie:  Jazlyn Jimenez - 15 saves
Toga 5-1

Published in Sports
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  • Saratoga County Sheriff’s Office The Sheriff’s Office responded to a disturbance call on Main Street in the village of Corinth. Investigation into the matter resulted in the arrest of William J. Arnold, 25, of Corinth, charged with criminal mischief in the 3rd degree (class E felony). Arnold is accused of intentionally damaging a television and a PlayStation belonging to another person in an amount exceeding $250. He was arraigned in the Corinth Town Court and released to pretrial services pending further action in the matter. Philip J. McCulloch, 36, of Halfmoon, and Tashawna S.D. Daniel, 38, of Cohoes, were each charged…

Property Transactions

  • BALLSTON  Ronald Simmons sold property at 139 Lake Hill Rd to Geoffrey Case for $377,500 Traditional HomeBuilders and Developers sold property at 43 Mallory Way to Nicolas Aragosa for $608,498 GREENFIELD Matthew Weeden sold property at 297 Middle Grove Rd to Mark Gagnon for $376,000 James Harper sold property at 12 Hyspot Rd to William Chiappone for $526,000 MALTA  Marini Homes LLC sold property at 28 Landon Lane to Jinhong Park for $435,000 Zachary Hastings sold property at 362 Eastline Rd to Kevin Acker for $453,000 Joseph Sinicropi sold property at 36 Weston Way to Robert Ritter for $405,000 Christine…
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