Lori Mahan

Lori Mahan

Wednesday, 05 December 2018 19:00

Local Teacher Wins $100K: Kindness Closet Grows

SOUTH GLENS FALLS — Jamie Metivier, Tanglewood Elementary School reading teacher, has been collecting clothing, household items, and other supplies for several years for families in the Tanglewood district for her Kindness Closet. The Kindness Closet is a small closet within their cafeteria. Now, she has won a $100,000 grant through Farmers Insurance Dream Big Competition. This grant is nationwide and any teacher, public or private, was able to apply. In August, they chose 15 finalists from hundreds of applicants. Last week, Metivier was informed she was one of the five winners chosen.

“Last May, I was watching Jeopardy with my daughter, she makes me watch it with her to prove that she's smarter than me, and she usually wins,” Metivier laughed, explaining how she learned of the grants’ existence. 

“A commercial came on for this grant, which I had never heard of, and I immediately thought of our Kindness Closet. At that point, everything that I was doing for it was coming out of my pocket. I had a couple of small donations from local businesses, but the majority of it was just stuff that I was buying for families. So, I went in the next day and asked my principal if he thought that was something I could do,” she explained.

After getting the go-ahead, she spent that weekend applying for the grant and getting the necessary signatures.

"So, what we'll do now is get a free-standing building, probably like one of those sheds, and put that on the school property. Then we will fill it with household items for families and they will be able to come. We'll probably be open two Saturdays a month, that's all still to be determined, but that's our thought. So, Saturday morning we'll open for a few hours and any families in the school district can come in, no questions asked, and get any items they may need,” she said, explaining how the grant money will go to use.

In the South Glens Falls school district, the poverty rates are based on those that apply and receive free and reduced lunch. That is 36 percent of their population.

"That's a third of our school and that's only those that apply. There is definitely need beyond that,” Metivier explained.

Up until now, Metivier has been doing this as a “one-man show.” She is, however, excited to create a committee of community members to bring insight and ideas to the table.

“There have been so many families that have said they're happy to help. The biggest issue is going to be the privacy for families that are coming. So, it will probably end up staying with the staff of the district but that is all to be determined,” she stated.

A lot of local businesses and community members have expressed an interest in helping.

"It's amazing. We've had tremendous support through community members, businesses that have been so supportive of this. $100,000 will go a long way. We have to get the building and there is a lot of logistical stuff there that money will go to but even if we have $70,000 left, that's a lot of items that we'll be able to buy. Our biggest obstacle will be the sustainability piece, that is where we're going to have to reach out to community members to be able to sustain it. BJ's Wholesale was tremendous last year, they had done a lot for the closet that we have now, and I know that they're willing to work with us to stock this as well,” Metivier said, praising the South Glens Falls community.

Her goal is to be open by the summer.

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Ty Stacey is enjoying his first year as head coach for the Spa Catholic girls’ basketball teams. It’s a drastic difference from his day job as a probation officer. Stacey is taking over for Damian Fantauzzi, who coached the team last year. Stacey said Fantauzzi left to spend more time with his grandchildren and he coaches cross-country and track in the spring. Stacey’s coaching experience varies: he was head coach at SUNY Adirondack for the men’s team for years.

“I’ve been coaching my son in various AAU teams and baseball and basketball ever since. The girls that I have this year are extremely committed to learning and developing their skills as basketball players but also their athleticism. I have some girls that play five sports throughout the year. So, they aren’t only benefitting as a basketball player but they’re benefiting as a complete athlete,” Stacey explained.

Stacey played basketball as a student at Saratoga Springs High school; he also played at SUNY Adirondack and St. Joseph’s in Rutland, Vermont. Stacey is a probation officer for Saratoga County and finds a correlation between his coaching and day job.

“The way I look at it is, we’re all the same. It’s just the same lessons in a different arena. We all make mistakes, it’s our responsibility to learn from them and change our future and develop new skills and be responsible,” Stacey said.

Stacey gets help on the court from Alphonse Lambert, the schools’ athletic director and bowling and baseball coach, and Fantauzzi, who still stops by and takes notes. John Catone, the boys’ basketball coach, also stops by practice from time to time and vice versa for Stacey.

“We’ll watch each other’s practices a little bit and get different ideas, different approaches, but it’s not like we’re in direct collaboration. I will work with coach Lambert and Damian Fantauzzi, who has already come and watched one of the games. They’ll send me emails with their observations and their thoughts, which is tremendously helpful because one person can’t be everything,” Stacey explained.

The team consists of 11 players, only one of which is a senior.

“We’re very young, we are striving to get better as the season goes. We’ve already shown improvement from last year to this year. Since we’ve lost our top scorer from last year, we’re trying to figure out where our scoring is going to come from. That’s going to be the goal here, to see who’s going to provide it, and that could change each night. The future is promising. This year I think we’re going to surprise some people and I can guarantee that the girls are going to compete every night. They are a good group of kids,” he said, complimenting his team.

Before every game, Stacey likes to inspire them in a simple way: by reminding them to put in the work.

“I just remind them that they need to do their job and everybody else knows what job they’ve got to do, and it’ll all come together. The girls are pretty self-motivating, makes my job easy that way and it just reinforces the learning process every game. Learn as you go, learn as you play, and that’s how you benefit,” Stacey said.

To catch a Saratoga Central Catholic basketball game, check out the Sports at a Glance page.

Thursday, 29 November 2018 11:46

Athlete of the Week: Micaela Barbolt

Photos provided.

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Junior bowler Micaela Barbolt is happy to be at Saratoga Central Catholic for her second year in a row. She feels that she excels better there, academically and athletically.

“Academically, my grades have improved at Spa Catholic. I’ve been more focused and into school than I was at Saratoga. It’s more of a family and community here. You get to know the teachers better and they help you a lot more. Socially, I used to be very shy but now I’m very outgoing. I’ve made a lot of good friends through Spa Catholic,” Barbolt explained.

She began bowling around age 12 after starting in a league. As her skills improved, she wanted to progress. She played in Juniors Gold in Indianapolis last year through the Capital District Youth Scholarship Tour (CDYST) and has done other leagues outside of school. She is the only bowler in her family and does not play any other sports. Her best game was a 290 last year.

“It was the highest scoring and the best I’ve scored technique wise. I was really focused and had started learning how to bowl better and I just got really into it then,” Barbolt said.

It’s her competitive nature though, that keeps her going and she strives to do better every time.

“[Coach Lambert] is a really good coach. He’s taught me a lot about bowling - and myself. He’s taught me how to improve and keep focused. He really motivates everyone and helps me strive to be the best,” she said. “Bowling is a big mind game though, so, if you’re doing bad you tend to do worse because you keep thinking about it,” she explained.

She intends to bowl in college and may investigate professional bowling as a path if college bowling goes well.

“The team is really good, they’re all fun to be around and they all like bowling as much as I do if not more,” Barbolt complimented.

To find out when the Spa Catholic team bowls, visit our Sports at a Glance page.

Thursday, 29 November 2018 11:44

Trailblazing Volunteer Training

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Youth2 - Youth Helping Youth - will hold the 3.5 hour Trailblazing Volunteer Training, a program designed and implemented by youth on Saturday, December 15 2018 from 9:30 a.m. through 1 p.m. at the Spring Street Gallery, 110 Spring Street, Saratoga Springs. This is a free training program for students ages 11-22. This training will help you to think about something that you want to do to improve your local community or the world and how to realize your vision.   The course will highlight the value of volunteering and why people take part in social action.  Your creativity will be stirred to think of projects that help to solve social problems.  You will explore ways to make volunteer work meaningful to you and match your interests. The training will provide a forum of community service ideas and ways to make this world a better place; most schools have offered four community service credits for 3.5 training hours. Room capacity is limited, and registration is required. 

Please call, Beverly Lazar Davis, 518-281-9130 to sign up or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Youth2’s mission is to help youth become involved in community service, learn about philanthropic skills which are skills to help others in need and to create and to develop community service projects that help other youth in their local or global communities.  While we assist others to join in volunteer opportunities that already exist in our community, we uniquely encourage youth to think about things that they care about and to create a service project of their own design.

Tuesday, 20 November 2018 14:59

Silver for Stout

Photos provided.

TORONTO, ONTARIO — Nicole Stout (21) from the Jason Morris Judo Center in Glenville turned in a strong performance over the weekend to take a Silver medal in 78kg at the Ontario Open which was held at the Toronto Pan Am Center on November 11. Ari and Kell Berliner also were in very good form as they both picked up bronze medals in their weight classes. Ari (20) won his bronze at 66kg losing only in an overtime semifinal thriller to the eventual champion. Kell (24) won his bronze in 81kg beating JMJC teammate, Solomon Choran (19) in an epic medal match that went 6 minutes into overtime. Nate Torres (19) had a strong showing going 3-2 to place seventh at 81kg. The day before, Max Alaynick (18) placed seventh in the 81kg under21 division to close out the JMJC participation at the 2018 Ontario Open.
NEXT UP: The Jason Morris Judo Center will be hosting its 27th in-house competition, Saturday, November 24, 2018 where the JMJC belt promotions will also occur.

SARATOGA SPRINGS — There are a few newspapers in Saratoga County, but not many people know about a special publication that runs in the Maple Avenue Middle School. The Mapletogian Newspaper is run by the middle schoolers and advised by Trisha Phillips. They report Maple Ave news only.

“Sometimes kids will come to me and they’ll say, ‘can I write about this that’s happening on Broadway’ and I say, ‘but the school is bringing in therapy dogs or they’re doing this’ and I really like them to focus on our school news because so much is going on in our own school. We haven’t met for very long yet, we’ve only been meeting for about a month and a half, but ideally, their ears are chimed in to what is going on in their own classes and then for me as an eighth-grade teacher, I love to hear about what’s going on in a sixth-grade science classroom or gym class. It allows us all to see it first hand,” Philips said.

The Mapletogian Newspaper can be found online via a wix website, mrsphillips239.wixsite.com/may18, which has the latest edition from May still up currently. The new club members are working diligently on their next paper. The young reporters submit all the work to Ms. Phillips and discuss what the titles should look like along with photos they should include.

“Ideally, the meeting will start running itself and I’m just here to throw candy and dance around encouraging them,” Phillips explained.

Each member of the club, about 20 students, got involved for similar reasons. 

“My parents are both in newspaper and I also love writing, it takes me to another place,” said Talia Green. Each budding journalist has a different favorite beat in mind and for some, a different approach entirely. “I’d like to sell the ads because you get to help get money for your company and you can also trade things like Great Escape tickets and stuff like that,” said Nadine Barton.

“I would like to write book reviews. I see a lot of them on the New York Times and I think it would be fun to review books that I really enjoy,” Ella Cureo explained.

“I want to write more about what’s going on in general in the city or in the world,” Musi Chowdhury stated.

“I’d like to write about what’s happening in the public community that is surrounding us, so people can have a little bit of background knowledge about what I’m already talking about and I can expand their knowledge,” Kelsey Dodd added.

However, it was made clear that everyone’s favorite topic is the changing seasons and the holidays. As far as editing goes, the students do peer reviews and Ms. Phillips looks at everything a final time before “going to press.”

“I definitely think that Ms. Phillips helps us the most because she’s the one who lays it out and she helps us with all of the typos and the things that we’re not really sure what to write and she knows what to put in,” Kelsey Dodd explained.

The Mapletogian Newspaper is the publication to read when you want to be in the know about Maple Avenue Middle School and all of the goings on.

Thursday, 15 November 2018 13:54

Upcoming 5Ks in Saratoga County

When: November 22, 8:30 a.m. Where: Broadway, Saratoga Springs Registration: $25, no day of registration Christopher Gene Dailey, a Saratoga Springs native, was an active 8-year-old sports enthusiast who died suddenly on November 23, 2001. The Foundation was formed on December 29, 2001 by his parents, with the support of family and friends. The Christopher Dailey Foundation is a nonprofit, Saratoga Springs based, charitable organization supporting youth needs in our community. After completion of the Christopher Dailey Youth Gym in Gavin Park, Wilton, the Foundation has continued to support youth needs in the Saratoga County area. Since 2012, the CDF has given over $500,000 to 50+ youth organizations. Visit www.christopherdaileyfoundation. com to learn more about their donations. Any other questions email the foundation at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 518-581-1328. For registration questions only call 518-650-6963.

When: November 22, 8 a.m. Where: 912 NY-146, Clifton Park Registration: $25 ($30 after Nov. 21) Packet pick up is Wednesday from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., registration is open until 5 a.m. on Thanksgiving morning online. On-site registration is open from 7 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. on Thanksgiving morning. This is a fun event held in Clifton Park.  If you want to avoid the crowds at Saratoga and Troy then this race is for you. Tshirts will be given to all those who register by 11/15. Packet pick up is available on Wednesday night from 5 to 7 and starts again on race day at 7:15. Don’t forget that this event is also family and a stroller friendly course. A special visit will be made by the infamous St. George’s Turkey.

When: December 1, 9 a.m. Where: Halfmoon Town Park Registration: $35 (kids run $20) The Arthritis Foundation’s Jingle Bell Run is a fun way to be festive, while racing to raise funds and awareness to cure America’s #1 cause of disability. Put on your favorite holiday costume. Tie jingle bells to your shoelaces. ’Tis the season to live it up and be jolly for a reason! Bring a team of friends, family and co-workers to run or walk, spread smiles and good cheer… and be a Champion of Yes! 100 percent of your registration fee and fundraising efforts go to this great cause. For more help or information about the 2018 Jingle Bell Run of Albany, contact Heidi Barcomb at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 518-456-1203.

When: December 31, 5:30 p.m. Where: Skidmore College Registration: $30 ($35 after Dec. 23) Saratoga Arts is excited to announce that Patrick Lynskey will be joining the team as the new Race Director for the annual Saratoga Arts First Night 5k in Saratoga Springs on New Years’ Eve. Patrick is the Event Director for the Firecracker 4 Race and the Freihofer’s Run for Women as well as the Race Director for the Troy Turkey Trot.  Additionally, he is the founding partner and COO of GreenLeaf Racing, through which he manages many more smaller events in the region. If you have questions about registration or volunteering for the race, please contact Patrick at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Thursday, 15 November 2018 13:47

Local All-Star Moments

SRYMCA Over 50 Basketball League Scores

Game One: D’Andrea’s Pizzeria – 53 v. West Side Sports – 71
West Side Sports handily beat D’Andrea’s Pizzeria 71-53.  John Mooney and Kevin Reilly led the way for West Side with 25 each. Mike Casavant contributed 12 for West Side.  Rory Wilson had a game high 32 and Tom Welch added 10 in a losing effort for D’Andrea’s.
West Side Sports – 71: John Mooney (25),  Kevin Reilly(25), Mike Casavant (12)
D’Andrea’s Pizzeria – 53: Rory Wilson (32), Tom Welch (10) 

Game Two: Post Time Wine and Spirits – 65 v. Village Photo – 56
Post Time Wine and Spirits outlasted Village Photo to win the game 65 to 56. Postime’s Pat Reidy had a game high 28 and Alex Marin added 26. Charlie Maurer led Village photo with 20 and Steve Ruscinski poured in 10.
Post Time Wine and Spirits – 65: Pat Reidy (28), Alex Marin (26)
Village Photo - 56: Charlie Maurer (20), Steve Rucinski (10) 

Game Three: Mama Mia’s Cafe – 53 v. Nemer Chrysler – 59
Nemer edged Mama Mia’s in a close game all the way. Nemer was led by Phil Fitzpatrick who had 29 with Mike Bentley pouring in 19. Mama Mia’s was led by Mark Hixon 28 point performance by the losing team.
Nemer Chrysler – 59: Phil Fitzpatrick (29), Mike Bentley (19)
Mama Mi’s Cafe – 53: Mark Hixon (28)

Game Four: Generaro’s – 60 v. Walton’s – 58
Generaro’s overcame a half-time deficient to overtake Walton’s 60-58. Genararo’s balanced scoring was led by Ed Benway with 21, followed by Wayne Cherry with 14, Greg O’Conner with 12 and Andrew Sephas adding 10 points. Bobby Hanson had a game high 36 in a losing campaign.
Generaro’s – 60: Ed Benway (21), Wayne Cherry (14), Greg O’Connor (12), Andrew Sephas (10)
Walton’s – 58: Bobby Hanson (36)


Swimming & Diving Teams Fall to Clarkson, Women Come Up Short Against Merrimack
VERMONT — The Saint Michael’s College women’s swimming and diving team lost to Merrimack College, 121-84, in a dual meet on Friday, before both the men’s and women’s teams were swept by Clarkson University on Saturday. The men fell 148-74, while the women lost a close 119103 contest. The women’s team falls
to 1-3, while the men are now 1-2. During the Clarkson meet, Reiley Adelson, of Saratoga Springs/Saratoga Springs, claimed second in the 200 free.


Jr. NBA Scores


Cavs vs. Lakers
Cavs-21: Sean Finnegan-8, Connor Corrigan-4
Lakers-12: Chris Seeley-8, Riley Gaul-2

Bulls vs. Knicks
Bulls-18: Mason Baker-5, Malcolm Oliver-Goodwin-4

Knicks-14: Chris Sheft-6, John Lizzi-4

Celtics vs. Clippers
Celtics-16: Brady Moore-6, Tommy Driver-2

Clippers-10: Damon Kelly-4, Sean Britton-2

Thunder vs. Clippers
Thunder-23: Brady Girard-15, Dustin Russell-6

Warriors-13: JL Whitman-6, Thomas Krogmann-5

Spurs vs. Lakers
Spurs-35: Noah Diulio-12, Hayden Warren-7
Lakers-14: Logan Phelps-6, Colton Baker-4

Warriors vs. Bulls
Warriors-26: Carson Engelhard-7, Aaron Stuart-6

Bulls-9: Sammy Bagan-6, Sasko/Kindl-2

Heat vs. Knicks
Heat-18: Kaidan Moore-6, Plourde/Ford-4

Knicks-13: Merrick Shea-5, Kaiden Paskewich-4

Mavs vs. Cavs
Mavs-26: Landon Lockrow-7, Ben Simonette-5

Cavs-19: Braydin Stone-16, Luke Manuel-4

Celtics vs. Thunder
Celtics-18: Jack Beckler-6, Bobby Morris-6

Thunder-13: Andrew Wells-5, Chase Palmer-4

Warriors vs. Celtics
Warriors-16: Karsten Soule-4, Henry Hanrahan-4
Celtics-14: Arianna Avila-6, Matt Leonard-4

Thunder vs. Spurs
Thunder-27: Toby Diulio-9, Louis Longobardo-9

Spurs-18: Charlie Cota-6, Micah Poag-6

Nets vs. Heat
Nets-28: Bryant Savage-9, Antone Robbens-7

Heat-10: Jackson Howell-6, Nick Scalo-2

Cavs vs. Thunder
Cavs-48: Jordan Quintal-16, Andrew Masten-8
Thunder-40: Evan Barthelmas-18, Cooper Walley-16 

Clippers vs. Pacers
Clippers-42: Arieon Rose-12, Lindsey Bell-7

Pacers-28: Andrew Blaha-8, Josh Smith-8


SARATOGA SPRINGS — New York State recently released their test scores for 2018 and St. Clement’s tested higher than average compared to public schools.

“We did very well compared to New York State. What they look at is levels three and four, which meet or exceed the New York State learning standards. So, they took them at the end of last spring and they’re returning now. Our students in third grade, 84 percent of them met or exceeded the standard compared to 50 percent in New York State in English Language Arts. Third grade in math, 54 percent exceeded in New York State and 92 percent of our kids exceeded in math,” said Principal Jane Kromm.

Kromm attributes her strong staff of educators to the students’ massive success.

“The teachers work cooperatively, not only at their own grade level but share information from grade level to grade level so that helps to advance the children in our program. All the way from pre-k all the way up, we have excellent teachers. I think if they worked in isolation that would be a problem but they’re a very close community,” Kromm said, explaining the reason for the success rate.

Kromm suggests that another reason for the high numbers it the schools’ STEM program.

Which she says, “of course stresses problem solving, and creative thinking, and it tries to make real world applications. There is a lot of hands on activity. So, there is writing in the STEM program that is across the curriculum.”

Kromm admits that the common core may have been introduced too quickly and may also be the reason for some public-school numbers.

“The common core is based on New York State learning standards, so we get to pick and choose a little more about what we can use and what we want to use from the common core, but it’s really all based on learning standards, so we do use New York State learning standards,” she said.

The common core was launched in 2009 by state leaders, including governors and state commissioners of education.

“I think pieces of the common core are great. Again, the problem was that it was introduced so quickly and I think that New York State is trying to address that. There is going to be a next generation and the process of introducing it is a little slower so that everyone can get a good grasp of them and I think we learned from the original push out of the standards,” Kromm explained.

While the school is celebrating this accomplishment, Kromm wants to remind everyone that there is much more to St. Clement’s than numbers and statistics.

“There is so much more to a school than a stand-alone number. What makes us special is our educators, the commitment of our parents, and being small enough so that we know every child that’s in here. The upper grades know the lower grades and they have a great buddy system with them. We’re celebrating this and it’s wonderful, but it is a piece of the whole picture and that when you learn about the other pieces, that’s what makes our school so special,” Kromm stated.

PORTER CORNERS — It was a special evening Friday, November 2 at Brookhaven Golf Course, as over one hundred distinguished guests and golf enthusiasts from around New York gathered to celebrate the induction of four new members into the New York State Golf Hall of Fame (NYSGA). The 2018 class included Walter Hagen of Rochester, Gene Sarazen of Harrison, Dottie Pepper of Saratoga Springs, and Willie Turnesa of Elmsford. Pepper first learned the game at Brookhaven and discovered her passion for the sport as a junior member. The sentimental value it holds to her early days of golf was naturally why the venue was selected to hold this year’s induction ceremony.

“A significant part of my youth sports experience was spent on this very road. I learned to play golf here. First big course I ever played and Alpine Meadows is where I learned to ski,” said Pepper.

“When I played golf here it was $100 for a summer membership for junior golfers. It’s still only $200. It is a haven of what is really great about this game,” Pepper continued.

The night began with a cocktail reception and dinner, followed by the induction ceremony. To get things started, NYSGA President Warren Winslow of Western Turnpike, and Hall of Fame Chairman, Joe Enright of Lancaster Country Club in Buffalo, briefly introduced the committee, their selection process, history of the Hall of Fame and lastly, recognized past inductees. Only one Hall of Fame member attended the induction, NYSGA committee member Tom Reidy of Elmira (class of 2015). Presented first were the late golf legends Hagen and Sarazen, represented by NYSGA Hall of Fame committee members Dick Galvin of Ontario Country Club and Doug Vergith of Chautauqua Country Club, respectively. Next was the late Turnesa, who was represented by his daughter Polly and son-in-law Reed Sparling. They honored Willie by sharing old stories and special sentiments he’d mentioned to them over the years.

“We know Willie would have been so honored to enter the hall of fame. If he could have been here, we know he would have been even more thrilled to shake your hand and share his stories with people, who, like him, receive such joy from the game,” said Reed in closing to the audience.

Last to be honored was Pepper, the lone inductee in attendance, who was surrounded by tables of family and friends that came out to be a part of the special evening. Her close friend Kimberly Galvin-Janelle was selected to introduce Pepper and shared some memories from their longtime friendship and reflected on all her great achievements. Dottie graciously accepted the award and spoke on selecting Brookhaven and George Pulver’s significance to her.

“This is an essential rung, or rung on the ladder of what I really consider the great golf experience to be, because it is the complete experience. This place is the heartbeat of its community, it’s owned by the town, it was gifted from a corporation. I think the choice of this location was sort of full circle, because designer architect George Pulver knew all three of these other distinguished honorees. He was a big reason why I became a golf architecture geek. He was a rockstar before we even knew what a rockstar was,” Pepper said.

She described her experiences at the NYSGA championships each summer, and her memorable wins. 

“As I look back winning in championships in New York, I have a couple of favorite moments,” she mentioned.

What Dottie was especially drawn to about the NYSGA was a former committee member who passed on in 2016, Betty Deeley. She was also inducted into the NYSGA Hall of Fame, in the inaugural class in 2012.

“She was a devoted supporter of everything that happened at not only the New York State Golf Association but particularly the girls and women’s events. We were always referred to as Betty’s girls. She loved what she did with especially the young girls in the state,” she said.

Although none of Pepper’s current colleagues at CBS Sports could attend, notable broadcaster Jim Nantz surprised Dottie with a special video message demonstrating the network’s appreciation of her achievement and congratulations for the welldeserved honor. The night finished with closing remarks from NYSGA Assistant Executive Director Andrew Hickey thanking everyone for their attendance along with final congratulations to the inductees and their families. There are now 17 members of the NYSGA Hall of Fame. The next NYSGA Hall of Fame class will be announced in early summer of 2019.

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  • Haley A. Czwakiel, 27, of Ballston Spa, was charged with aggravated DWI (class E felony), DWI, and operating a motor vehicle with a BAC of .08% or greater (unclassified misdemeanors), following a suspected crash on Saratoga Road in the town of Ballston earlier this month. She was released on appearance tickets returnable to the Ballston Town Court on a later date, according to the Saratoga County Sheriff’s Office.    Ryan A. Madigan, 36, of Burnt Hills, was charged with Assault in the third degree (Misdemeanor), and Aggravated Criminal Contempt (Felony). It is alleged Madigan struck a female known to him…

Property Transactions

  • ALLSTON  Steven Salati sold property at 25 Sycamore St to Huan Wang for $472,000 Home Buddies LLC sold property at 172 Kingsley Rd to John Shillito for $340,000 Eastline Holdings LLC sold property at 7 Linden Ct to Jill Staib for $462,340 CHARLTON US Bank Trust National Assoc. sold property at 4256 Jockey St to Eva Bigec for $150,000 GREENFIELD Andrea Didomenico sold property at 79 Barney Rd to Raymond Kringle for $110,000 Kelly Woods sold property at 639 Coy Rd to Daniele Ippolito for $275,031 MALTA  Matthew O’Connor sold property at 73 Snowberry Rd to Timothy Beauvais for $324,990…
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